Lightning Step

Khal followed the old Berserker from behind and listened to what he was telling him.

"I have many Martial Techniques from movement and martial skills all the way to weapon techniques while also having support techniques such as this little baby here." the Berserker picked up a white scroll and showed it to Khal with a smile.

"Although this is only a Mortal Grade technique, this Body Reinforcement Skill is capable of turning your muscles and tendons as hard as steel which could come in handy any time."

Khal examined the scroll and pondered. According to the Record of All Realms, every Martial Technique can be learned if given the time, but one also has to meet the requirements such as the Cultivation Stage.

For instance, while Mortal Grade techniques can be learned by anyone, Earth Grade Martial Techniques can be used if one reached the Second Stage, the Body Refiner Stage!