Mirror Array

Darla examined the symbols one by one with a nonchalant expression, but from just how serious her eyes looked it was obvious she was concentrating on everything she had.

Minutes ticked by as they slowly turned into hours, and after a bit more than an hour later Darla pointed at a symbol in the left and said, "That should be the right one."

"Should be?" Khal raised a brow and said, "I hope you know that our lives are on the line here, right? Just a simple 'should be' alone won't be enough. We need a solid choice."

"Yeah, I know, but as I said, although my father is an expert when it comes to arrays, I am not. I can distinguish the difference between a few around us, but not all of them."

As a fact, it would be a complete miracle if she would be able to do it. Not only were the arrays complex to the point where Darla felt a headache when she tried to understand them, but they were carved into the symbols where the array became smaller and more jammed too!