Killing Spree

Khal felt anger sweep through his body, but quickly calmed down and took a deep breath.

The old crawler naturally noticed this, but surprisingly it didn't seem to bother him at all. Instead, he just crossed his arms before his chest and said, "Of course, if you wish not to pay anything, that is perfectly fine with me too, but then you must leave in the following hour."

Khal looked at the creature before shaking his head slightly and taking a small pouch out from his spatial ring.

"Here... It's exactly 700 Gold Coins. You can count it if you don't believe me." Khal said in an indifferent voice, but anyone with a keen eye saw that he felt slightly upset he had to pay that much. 

The old creature took the pouch away from Khal's hand and while ignoring Khal's obvious anger he counted the amount inside it. Only after going through it twice and making sure it was indeed 700 Gold Coins did he nod calmly and look at Khal with a slight smile.