
Outside the mountain range that was continuously bombarded with powerful techniques that painted the sky with various colors, Bane was standing motionlessly below a huge colorful tree's shade in the distance, his short ash black hair fluttering to-and-fro whenever a gentle breeze came by as his ice-cold gaze was fixed on one sole point in the distance.

"I have found him! Right here!"

Suddenly, a loud and excited yell was heard from somewhere from the south, causing Bane's eyes to light up slightly before his body blurred and vanished from his spot.

"Who is inside there?" Bane immediately asked loudly the moment his figure appeared before a huge tunnel that was at least three meters high and five meters wide.

"It was Cloven who formed this path, Boss, and he is the only one currently inside. It has been about half a minute by now." a soldier replied with haste and respect when he noticed Bane's figure emerge in front of him out of thin air.