Secret to Reach the Third Realm!

After the small incident with Emera, Khal decided to go back to his residence to rest.

Luckily, after destroying his own home when he became a Limit Breaker people had reconstructed it so it looked just like how it was previously!

Walking inside and sitting down on the comfy bed which still felt like a fluff of cloud, Khal raised his hand and summoned the scroll that Hale had been given to him back in the Zero Realm.

"Let's check this out. I wonder what is inside." Khal mumbled to himself and pulled the edge of the scroll which easily opened not like the first time.

Once the scroll was unfolded, Khal began to read the context of it slowly. 

At first, his expression was nonchalant with only his eyes showing curiosity, but only after a few seconds into his reading his complexion changed drastically, turning into that of a deep shock!

"What? Is this for real?"