Dungeon Core; Power Blessing!

Senior Lin and the rest raised their heads when they heard Khal's voice and found it with surprise that high above in the air, a small orb with the size of a fist floated in mid-air, emitting a powerful aura together with a gentle blue light.

Khal watched the core with a nonchalant face when suddenly Nova's voice appeared in his head, shocking him deeply.

['Dungeon Core: Power Blessing' detected in surroundings!]

[Do you wish to use Boosted Magnetism to acquire the core?]

'What?' Khal immediately became stupified and his gaze toward the floating orb changed completely.

'Is that orb a... A Power Core?' 

[That is not entirely true]

Suddenly Nova's voice appeared in Khal's head, explaining and clearing the doubts in Khal's heart.

[Power Cores are the cores of artifacts, allowing you to obtain different powers by destroying the artifact itself.]