
Khal followed Dona through several hallways and after a few minutes of walking he was finally brought before this door which was completely black and was at least three meters high tall and two meters wide.

"And here we are. This is our only chamber where one can forge Supreme-Quality ores without worrying if they will cause a mess outside if Essence Bursts occur inside." Dona explained as she handed a small circular token over to Khal.

Khal accepted the token and glanced at it. Apart from its silver color and the same symbol he saw outside on the building on it, there was nothing special about it.

"This token will count the number of hours you spend inside the chamber. It also has an emergency array placed on it so if you somehow end up in a situation where you need help throughout your forging pour essence into it and help will come right away."

Khal nodded briefly and once he put the token into his pocket he asked, "Anything else I need to know?"