Power Core: Gravity Armament & Power Core: Sub-Zero Domain! (5-Last)

So far, since his Khal joined the sect, two buildings had been destroyed, three had been half-ruined and a handful had been damaged!

Under the short amount of time he had joined the Moon Sect, Khal brought more harm than benefit and as the Master of the sect, Senior Lin cannot overlook, not even if Khal possessed the strength to singlehandedly to bring down entire armies much less the Moon Sect itself!

As the Sect Master, Senior Lin had the responsibility to protect not only the disciples but the entire sect itself, let it be its walls or buildings!

"I will have to teach him a lesson or two. If not, who knows what harm and damage will he cause next!" Senior Lin mumbled with surpassed anger as her eyes flashed coldly toward the direction where seemingly Khal was forging.