Cheating a Little Bit...

Logan stared at Senior Lin with a puzzled complexion, his brain working overtime as he tried to guess just what kind of "sin" did his ex-student accomplished to receive punishment.

"I see you are confused, but don't be. While that brat possesses strength I have never seen in my entire life before, he still is a part of this sect thus he needs to obey its rules." Senior Lin said calmly.

"What did he do?" failing to think about the reason why Khal was punished Logan sighed gently and asked.

"He almost destroyed the entire sect because he forged."

"Don't tell me... Did he forge another ore with God Essence?" Logan's eyes widened as the memory of how Khal literally formed a huge crater inside Moon Acadamy because he forged an ore's God Essence appeared in his mind.

"...Pardon? Another?" this time it was Senior Lin's turn to become stupefied as she didn't know if what she heard was right or not.