Old Lady Appears Once Again!

"Sect Master... Do you really think this is the right thing to do?" standing under a small tree's shade which was just a few meters away from Khal's residence, Elder Rene looked at the long line of creatures with a slightly anxious look as every being before him was either a Limit Breaker or an Ascender!

Each of them had the ability to take on a smaller army alone and emerge as the victor much less wipe out a small sect like the Moon Sect which although experiencing a slight growth in strength ever since Khal's arrival was still a small and weak sect.

Moon Sect would literally get erased from this planet's surface if a single Ascender would go on a rampage, much less if several hundred did!

Senior Lin, standing next to Elder Rene and watching the same sight as him, crossed her arms behind her back and said, "No matter how scary it might seem to be, this is the right thing to do. No... This is the best thing we can do. This will greatly help our sect to grow."