New Prupose

Although the way Khal asked his question was a little too eager and fast, to the point it would raise questions in one's heart, Hale didn't seem to mind it. Instead, he shook his head and let out a deep sigh.

"Although I wish to say I did not, that would be a lie as I couldn't even enter these locations where those Otherworlders stayed."

"Huh? How can that be? Aren't you the Emperor of the Seven Realms? One that rules over everything?" Khal asked with a frown, not hiding the fact that he knew about Hale's origin.

"So she told you, huh? Well, not like it will change anything." Hale shrugged and crossing his arms before his chest he continued, "While I am indeed the Supreme Existence of all Realms and have access to literally everything, there are still things I cannot do, including locations those Otherworlders have built and left behind."