A New Life but a Past Self

Inside an average-looking house which inside was rather spacious and had everything that one needed for a comfortable life, a young individual stood before a mirror with a confident smile on his face and with a dagger in his right hand.

His face was handsome and without any imperfections, perhaps because of his great cultivation. His eyes were akin to two pieces of emerald while his short light black hair looked like smooth silk. 

His body was neither slim nor bulky, just perfect enough to allow him to move however way he wished to during fights or in ordinary situations.

As for his clothes, he was currently wearing a silver robe with golden sewing on it, one in which its sleeves and bottom part were loose and long enough to hide his hand and leg in their entirety if stayed motionless!

[Are really sure about this?]

"Yeah, I have already decided on this, so I won't change my mind."

[I still can hardly believe he has agreed with your idea.]