Fairy Queen (2-Last)

Walking to the door and opening it, Khal was ready to send whoever was on the other side away as he finally wanted to take a good rest after working almost nonstop for an entire month.

However, when he grabbed the handle and literally swung the door wide open, his mouth which was ready to open froze together with his entire body. In front of him at the edge of the door, a woman with an otherworldly appearance stood calmly with two soldiers clad in azure blue armor! 

Her skin was white like snow, and her silver hair was smooth and long, cascading down behind her slim back almost all the way down to her waist. Her silver eyes shone with serenity, a complete contrast to her ice-cold complexion and cherry lips that exuded the feeling of hidden danger.

Her whole being was that of an ancient goddess or a deep ocean; calm and beautiful on the surface but scary and full of threat at the bottom!