
Hale gave Cal a sideways glance upon hearing the question before starting to explain, "That cultivator I have killed was an Exile."

"An Exile?" Cal raised a brow in puzzlement.

"Yes." Hale nodded his head, "You don't know this but every Realm has its own rules. Whoever breaks them will be exiled from their Realms and will be brought to the Zero Realm where they will have to live their lives until the very day they die."

"That... Isn't that a little bit too harsh?" Cal inquired with a slight frown, "Like, how should they avoid breaking the rules if they don't even know the rules?"

"When I'm talking about rules, I don't talk about things like it is prohibited to steal treasures from another or killing, but things like forcefully descending into a Lower Realm and causing chaos or even permanent destruction!" Hale explained.