Preparing for Ascension (2-Last)

After messing around a little with his Dream Pill and acting as if he wished to shove it down Khal's throat, who as a result ran away like a scared rabbit, Cal laughed and without hesitation threw the pill into his mouth.

'He should stop believing everything they tell him.' Cal mumbled as he felt how a cold sensation swept through his body before it vanished without any sign that it appeared at all.

[That was not a Dream Pill, was it?]

'Huh? What? Of course not. I mean, while there is really such a pill, why should I create one? It is not like I can go up to my enemy and say, 'hey! Here is a pill which will put you in a deep slumber where you will be tortured through your worst nightmare for one whole year!', right?'

'Also, if I want to torture someone, believe me, I have better ways to do it.'

[If you say so. Then what was that pill? It definitely was not an Essence Pill nor a Soul Enhancing Pill as they have a completely different look.]