Pure Love

A/N: Mature content ahead.


Tears rolled down Nancy's rosy cheeks as she cried and buried her face into Cal's chest, quickly soaking his robe with her tear.

Cal also sobbed quietly, but as a man he held his tears back and just hugged Nancy tightly to himself, fearing if he lets her go he will lose her again, but this time for real.

"It's okay, I am here," Cal whispered quietly into Nancy's ear who as a result started to cry even more but also decided to tighten her arms around him.

It was needless to say that before they were transported into this new world both of them loved each other so much that if they should have been given the choice of which of them lived or died, they would immediately choose themselves over the other one!

It was nothing but pure love between the two that nothing could severe, not even death!