Chapter 43

The following day, Avery took a bath and placed three pairs of jeans with different designs for Angel to select her outfit for the day. The boy ran his small hands over them and shook his head.

She chuckled. "You don't like any of them? What about this?" She went back to the closet and held up a black pair. His reaction was the same so in the end, she asked him to get into the closet and take out what he wanted her to wear.

He spent some time searching through the rows of clothing before he finally found his favorite cream colored dress and pointed at it. She was rendered speechless for a while.

"Baby, it is very beautiful. However, we are not going anywhere. We are just meeting your dad. I will be overdressed in such a formal outfit." She calmly rejected it, although she suspected that he already knew. He had never chosen the wrong outfit before. When she picked up a casual blouse to show him, he looked upset.

She was taken aback. Was there a specific reason why he wanted the dress? He went ahead and chose blue shoes and a diamond necklace, and placed a nude colored lipstick on her vanity before running to his room to choose his own clothes.

When she changed into the outfit, she looked like she was going on a date.

"Whatever. I'm the boss. I get to wear whatever the fuck I want on whatever ocassion." She shrugged. Or whatever her son wanted. So she curled her hair to match the dress and did her makeup, then she went to check on Angel. She smiled when she saw what he had chosen to wear. The nanny had already bathed him and was helping him into a pair of blue pants and a cream colored shirt.

"You look cute." She couldn't resist hugging him. The doorbell rang and she was confused. It was only 9am. Was Damon here hours earlier than the agreed time?

She put Angel down and went downstairs to open the door, coming face to face with Markus.

"I swear, I want to rip my eyeballs out for seeing you." She remarked.

The man looked like he didn't want to be here either. "Don't worry. Just because you are dressed like…this…" He ran her eyes all over her body, taking in her outfit as his frown deepened. "It doesn't mean I will hate you any less."

She crossed her arms. "Like I dressed up for a loser like you? Speak up or leave."

"You made my father lose his job just because of a misunderstanding we had. I have to say, I didn't expect you to stoop so low. And to think I respected you." He huffed.

She narrowed her eyes at this audacious man who made it sound like she had ever asked for his respect. "Your father was fired for using his position to embezzle company funds. It's not my fault he was so careless as to leave behind evidence of his crimes."

She didn't wait for him to answer before she had him kicked out. She rubbed her forehead. "It's getting tiresome to throw people out every few days."

"If you hire me as your bodyguard, that will be taken care of."

She jumped at the sudden voice and glared at Damon when she realized it was him. "How did you get here?"

"I walked." Came his infuriating response.

She ignored him and walked back into the house. "You are not supposed to be here until hours later."

"Something came up at the company that needs my attention. I have to be there this afternoon and I had promised to be here for Angel so I cleared up my morning to come." He explained.

She knew he was lying. What company matter could wait so many hours if it was an emergency? Besides, it was Sunday. She didn't have time to call him out as Angel came running downstairs excitedly.


Damon crouched just as Angel jumped right into his arms. He then stood and held Angel high above his head, resulting in the boy giggling and squealing about being the tallest.

Avery brushed Damon's lie off. Never mind. As long as Angel was happy. The duo soon set up to paint at the coffee table, sitting on the fluffy carpet, but Damon's gaze was glued on Avery who was organising the bookshelf on the far end of the living room.

She was dressed nothing like anyone would for a day at home. Her A-line dress was off the shoulder and reached a few inches above her knees, and she was even wearing high heels. When she bent down to place a book on the bottom shelf, he got a spectacular view of a sliver of blue under her skirt.

She seemed to immediately remember what she was wearing as she crouched all the way down in panic, then she turned hoping she had not flashed anyone. He pretended to be focusing on Angel's painting but that didn't last a second before he looked up and met her gaze. She glared at him but her face was flushed in embarrassment.

He excused himself to use the restroom and when he left, he was amused to see her standing outside the door, her arms crossed.

"You are a pervert, do you know that?" She accused.

He smiled. "If you are here to find out whether I saw your blue panties, yes I did. Do you often match them with your shoes?"

Her face couldn't be any redder. "You came here to see your son. You have no business peeking under women's dresses."

"I wasn't trying to see what I saw, I swear." He popped his arms up in surrender, but that was a second before he grabbed her hands above her head and trapped her between the wall and himself.

"What are you really doing here, Avery? You wouldn't confront the man you think is inappropriately gazing at you, in a restroom and on your own." He leaned down to nibble on her ear. She hissed, and he could feel her heart racing as fast as his own.

He let go of her hands and wrapped an arm around her waist. He had to admit he had wanted to rip the dress off her body since he saw her, but he knew she had not dressed up for him. Angel always chose her outfits and he was too young to think of such a thing. But she looked too sexy. If his son knew what he was doing to him…

He realized she had not pushed him away, so he explored his limits. He grabbed her thigh and ran his hand up, hesitating when her body tensed up. But she grabbed onto his shoulder and parted her thighs slightly. He buried his face in her exposed neck and kissed the soft skin as his hand slowly traced her inner thigh, gently teasing her until she reached down and grabbed his hand. He thought she was stopping him but right before he pulled away, she pulled his hand higher. "Don't stop." She whimpered.