Chapter 50

"Why does it matter whether or not we were married?" She grabbed the file of details to check for any part that would influence it and probed when she didn't get any.

"I'm a divorce attorney. A young couple who accidentally had a child before their marriage and broke up is not up to my forte." She closed her briefcase to signify the end of the case even though it has never begun.

Avery felt insulted. "So what if we are not divorcing? He is trying to take my son away!"

"I'm sorry to break it to you, but if he can prove he didn't know about your son's existence, he would be given equal custody rights." Isla deadpanned. "In the worst-case scenario, he might end up having the upper hand since you deprived him of such an important right."

"Just great. I've been to hell and back and now this?" She was furious.

"I understand how upset you must be, Miss Vaillant, but I know a losing battle when I see one and this is not one you can win."