Chapter 53

By the time they arrived in Deciville, it was already evening and he didn't think they would be able to meet up with the store's owner. 

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?" She snapped at him. 

"I didn't know either, okay? He sent me the weather forecast just now and let me know he would meet me in the morning." He held up his phone to show her the message he had received barely a few minutes ago. 

"Weather forecast?" She looked up into the sky suspiciously. "It's calm." 

A drop of rain landed on his arm and he showed it to her. "The calm before a raging storm. Typical of Deciville." He grabbed her hand and stuffed her into the car despite her protest. 

"This meeting…" 

"WIll not happen when the storm starts. We need to get somewhere safe before we get stuck in the middle of nowhere." He frantically explained and floored the accelerator.