The mad woman swinging a little sword.

I stilled myself completely, the hand on my mouth never moved and I didn't move as well. The dagger grew heavier as it was placed at the waist of my skirt underneath my cloak. It was still there and I had some reassurance even though I had not even the slightest inkling of how to use it or even defend myself.

This was going to be the first task that I was going to take care of when I would return to the palace.

As fast as I could, I reached for the dagger by going underneath my cloak pulled it out, and stabbed the man's arm with that making him in pain and take it back.

"Fuck!" He cursed and I knew he was in the profession of fighting.

"Step back!" I commanded and raised my dagger as if it were a sword and enough to protect me against as I counted . . . Five men.

Goodness above, below, and beyond.