Meeting him- I

After I had allowed the boy to be included in my service the Messenger conveyed a message directly sent from the queen that she wanted me to enjoy the markets of the capital before moving back home. They were two things that I could do about the whole situation one was I could declining her politely even though still I will manage to offender and the other was I could politely go to the market and select a few things then return back.

It was later informed to me when I was going to pay for the item selected by me that the queen was going to pay for them personally which meant that the items I was buying were to be paid by the pocket of the crown. 

"Why is she doing this?" I hissed Merilyn, "the kind of relationship she wants to establish that is of a mother and a daughter is not going to happen here. Does not understand that?!" 

"Perhaps, she just wants your stay to be more comfortable. . . ."