His proposal - II

He touched my feet again. This time the soles were tucked and faced the bed. Now, he was touching the skin on the front. I sat up slightly. 

Just as he touched my feet I felt the sensations all over again. It went from the food that it touched to my spine and it tingled all over my body. 

I let out a shocked gas to how one touch can make me feel so many things. My toes called again and I talked to them this time I tucked them underneath my dress. 

I don't think you would go so far and be shameless enough to reach over and inside my dress. Even though he had changed I had a slight hope from him. 

"That is what I'm talking about." He said as he stared where my feet were. "All of those feelings that you felt. The jumble of thoughts that came to your mind every thing that just happened when I touched you." 

"How do you know about those?" I folded my hands and kept them on my knees before placing my chin over them.