A sister’s letter - II

'Dear Sister, 

I hope everything is well, as well as it can be over your side. I know things are going to be hard without my presence and the estranged relationships with Astria especially when the vampires have taken over the country.

I must tell you that there is no help coming from here anymore. They are barbaric, murderous kind of people that even leave the kingdom of Lythoris behind them.

They drink and eat food blessed with blood. In fact, I can say that it is almost raw and bloody in nature when they eat it. 

They hunt their prey but the prey or not animals, they are humans. Yes, you read it right sister. They prey on humans.

And they do it with no humanity because it died long ago for them.

They make the humans run deep inside the forest before running inside after them. It is a game to them, a game that they play while hunting for their food and once they find it, they devour it whole. Leaving no life whatsoever behind.