The plea of the Queen - II

It was impossible to control my tears but I tried to do the best I could to control them. But eventually, a few of them slipped from my eyes and they were now red, much to the dismay of Anna, the head of the household staff.

"You need to control yourself," she hissed in anger. "What will you do when they all will be hanged?" 

Hanged? Why did you have to mention it again and again? What is saying once not enough for her? 

I had to do something about it. I could not just sit idly. 

"Where is the king?" As far as I knew, Tristan would already be at the grounds of the execution. Ready to carry it out the moment everyone arrived. 

"In his quarters, I think. Would you like me to confirm?" Was it me or was Anna being unceremoniously sarcastic with me this morning? 

"No," I thought that Tristan could only be in his apartment at the moment. "I want to go to him first."