The Letter- III

 I re-read the letter. I did not just repeat it once, but I may have done it more than at least five times because by the time I read it Once more, I had memorized some of the contents. I already knew what is the next line was going to say and I closed my eyes as I recited it. 

Someone had interchanged our letters, as sad as it was, the reality was that someone had interchanged with the letters. What I had told my sister, specifically not to do, she had on the opposite because of the letter she had received in my name. 

Everything that which was not supposed to happen had already happened. 

Everything bad had fallen down upon us, and there was nothing I could do about it. 

The moment I felt something on my shoulders, I slowly turned around to look at the man I knew just by his touch. 

"Evive," Tristan had a fond smile over his face. "Everything is going to turn out to be fine."