The mastermind (d)

He didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Whatever it was, it was good at hiding and covering its tracks. No, it was invisible to the naked eye and also able to disappear into thin air, almost as if it didn't exist in the first place, King Wrath reassessed.

"Are you sure you aren't hearing things?"

Abhorrent wasn't able to detect anything around him. Even though it didn't have ears or eyes, it could hear and see everything much better than humans, who were subjected to the limitations imposed by their carbon-type bodies.

King Wrath rolled his eyes, "Have you ever heard of a king-ranked combatant hearing things?"

The peak evolutionary stage of a combatant had four layers. The first two were the lord stage and the king stage. The third one was the emperor stage. The last ones were knowns as sublime Emperor or Beyond Emperor. At the king stage, a human becomes awfully strong, and his senses become too sharp.