Spring Carpet ~4

Nod wanted to enjoy a cup of coffee under the rainy sky but here they are picking some snail for dinner in the muddy plain.

"I got another huge one!"

Oak boasted with her glasses dripping with water and her hooded dress in mud.

"Me too" Stripe hummed like a kid.

"Come on, hurry up guys. I want to enjoy some cup of coffee under roof." Hue nagged as he started to manueveered his gloved hand on the mud.

"You should remove your gloves when picking in muddy and wet areas"

Nod softly spoken.

His advise halted the three and silently got soaked underneath the rain shower.

"Yeah, thanks but that won't do."

Hue manage to say.

"I see, if that works for you then that can't be helped." Nod replied with ignorance to how the others were feeling. His response made the three relieved. Their snail picking finally ended when they heard some cry behind the hill.

"This is creepy" Stripe commented as he hid behind Nod. Stripe maybe the tallest but at times he easily get frightened. Oak headed first to check where the source of crying was but they found none.

"See, I told you. This kind of events normally occurs in horror films." Stripe squeaked.

Nod held on Hue. Their arrangement got in order. Oak and Hue are inches apart.

"Let's go home before this gets scary."

Nod agreed with Stripe.

It's been five days since the rain started pouring.

"Hey, this mountain won't be flooded right?" Nod asked as he watched by the window.

The plains are now overflowing with water.

The trees are getting greener and the weeds are doubling.

"Let us pray for that." Stripe replied.

Oak stared up unto the sky. Her glasses reflected each color. She stood by the window and extended her hand to be washed by the rain.

Hue arrived soaking wet and informed.

"Guys be on gear. We will visit the dam. The people aree getting worried it might erase the little mountain next to us."

Oak stood up and put on her rain coat. Nod did the same making sure his pouch won't get wet. Nod glance at Stripe who wore the same pattern as his paired attire.

"I am meaning to ask you this Stripe, But why do you put on a pair?" Nod quarried as they paced under the rain.

Their feet passing through the gathered water on the ground that passed their ankles.

Stripe grin and said.

"Because it's not expensive. Buying a pair in set saves more."

"Does that mean you buy the whole item?" Nod asked.

"Yes. You can even check my undergarment. It's the same strawberry pattern." Stripe boasted.

Hue can just side giggle as they reach the dam.

The water was strong, it's clear color are now earthly. It's water gushed down and is resuming to get more powerful.

"If this continues, lives will be eaten by this murky and rough water." Oak uttured.

"We need to meet up with the contractor of the dam!" Hue voiced in.

Nod agreed as he scanned the area. The side wall of soil containing the water are getting washed down. The boundary of the water got wider. Nod followed the destination of the water and saw a little mountain with houses. He paced with the team and waited for Hue and Stripe to get back after negotiating.

Oak sighed when the talking is getting longer.

"What are they doing? Time is running real quick." He hissed under hear breath as the water get brownish.

"Just what are they seriously discussing?" Nod added.

Hue and Stripe advance toward their spot and said.

"They said that the water can't be redirected at this state. Our only option is to evacuate the people on the foot of this mountain." Stripe stated.

The team head downward the mountain to inform and evacuate the people when the water suddenly passed them by the edge of the hill and is going straight to their destination. Hue started to glide downward speedily. Oak and Stripe did the same. Nod can't help but try what they have done but he end up rolling and tumbling.

Hue gritted his teeth as he extend and sprint faster chasing the overwhelming water but to his best run and dismay, the water engulfed the whole village. Thankfully the water did not reach the house's roof. Hue made the signal to be prepared. Stripe started to open his bagpack that is actually a speed boat. Nod and Oak take their turns in pumping the speed boat. When they successfully established one. They rowed to reach out in every house.

The men and rescue team joined them later on. Stripe helped the pregnant woman get in their boat as she shivered from being soaked.

Oak and Nod gave her the safety gear and secured her. They almost reach the evacuation area which is the next village when the woman started to moan and groan in pain.

"I... I think.. I am about to gi... ve birth..." the woman manage to say.

Stripe passed the paddle towards Nod and joined Oak.

"Her water broke. It might have been quite sometime." Stripe stated as he examined the writhing woman in their speed boat.

"Sorry for not noticing." Oak apologised.

"Secure the boat! She needs to deliver the baby!" Stripe commanded.

Nod and Hue looked for a shallow spot and landed their boat to the nearest solid ground.

Oak stood up to look for a tree that might give them even the slight refuge. She can only see the banana leaves.

"We can't transfer her toward the banana tree." Oak whispered.

"We will acquire some. Do what you have to do!" Hue assured as he gestured Nod to follow his actions. Stripe and Oak breathed nervously.

"This is my first time. I am not even a licenced nurse." Stripe confessed.

"Me too. I am just done with my internship remember." Oak pointed.

The woman continued to groan in pain.

"Whatever... Ple...ase just heeelp me give bi.... rth to this child.... I.... am.. begging you."

The woman yelled as she fought with all her might.