Hue, Stripe and Oak ~2

Nod recalled his pouch and was relief to find it by his side.

"Sorry we removed the water from your thing. Don't worey we made sure that those thin tubes won't be separated from your system." The one with coral gloves assured.

"I am Hue Paltiel by the way." the man bowed. He is a little shorter than Nod by centimetres, since his height ranges to exact 6 feet.

"Nod Wonderer." Nod bowed back he found it strange, from the city they usually extend their arms for handshake.

"So, that pouch is connceted somewhere in your viens. It's like an oxyegen bag. My name is Stripe by the way." He introduced.

Nod tilted his head by the side. He seem to speak in a random dialogue. His name does not compliment how he put on his pairing apparel and jumper belt. Nod glanced at the woman by the door.

"Ah, I had some parasites eating my viens near the heart. The operation was a miracle and this was the solution they came up for the oxygen in my body to circulate." Nod responses as he bow and avert his eyes. He used to get bullied for having such condition. He even got mocked from every work place he applied and resigned from. Nod was surprised when the man name Stripe started tearing up. The one who called himself Hue, strared with symphaty. The strange woman remained unmove and silent.

"So, how are you feeling?" Hue raised.

"I am better, I would like to know about my car and belongings." Nod asked.

"Uh.. I forgot." The woman spoke for the first time.

Nod gasped and jump out of bed. He run towards the door and find himself within a small town. Their were mountains surrounding the house. Farm and river are see from each side.

"Don't tell me that I crossed from another dimension." Nod whispered.

Hue laughed at him and said.

"No your just in a mountain surrounded by mountains. This place is called Naarah."

"Oh, I just seem to get across with reincarnation and parallel novel this past few days." Nod admitted as he scratch the back of his head.

"Don't worry about your things. Oak and Stripe will go and retrieve it for you. In the mean time stay here with us to recover." Hue advises.

Nod finally heard that woman's name. Oak, it's a unique one but it does suit her. She looked like a tree that is not only fruitful but is flowering as well.

Stripe and Oak walked back to get his Nod's car and belongings. Thankfully their enemies seemed to have withdrawn. Stripe drive the car, before reaching their mountain. Oak and Stripe removed the navigators, gps and plate number. The two burned it before reaching home. Nod was glad to have his things back. He was informed about the plate number and systems. Nod understand where this people are coming from but he knows that this people are strange and mysterious.

"So, you are a technical operator?" Hue asked as they wait for Stripe while cooking their dinner.

"No, I am not. I just got hired to press buttons. Due to my parent's connection. It's a underhanded way to get a job but i don't have that much choice." Nod explained.

"I see, then how about working with us?" Stripe yelled from the kitchen.

"I don't see any problems but what exactly are your job?" Nod inquired.

Stripe run from the kitchen. Hue kneeled on the floor as Oak lift her arms like a model.

"We are the royal helper and advisers." They recited in unison as they strike a pose.

Nod was speechless as he tardily clap his hands and said "Wow."

Their dinner went well. Nod never tasted a good mushroom soup and vegetable delights.

"This is delicious." Nod exclaimed.

"The mountain almost provides for everything." Oak muttured.

"This Naarah Mountain is walled with mountains, so how do you get to other villages or houses?" Nod innocently inquired.

"Of course by climbing through mountains." Stripe nonchalantly pointed.

"What exactly do you mean by Royal helpers and Advisers?" Nod diverted his failed question.

"The literal. In the city there are professional degree holders but within mountains there are none. People live by being contented with what they have and with instict and practicallity." Hue expanded.

"Does that mean you guys are degree holders?" Nod asked.

"No, Oak and Stripe are both from medical field but did not graduate. I am a former school principal." Hue replied.

"Just how old are you guys?" Nod gasped.

"We are in our twenties." Stripe butt in.

"Principal?" Nod pointed at Hue.

"My family own a school. I was harshly trained to manage one while studying." Hue smiled.

Nod went through his things and can't find his phone. He asked Stripe and Oak who returned it to him but had his sim burnt. Nod was glad he had some extra back in his boxes.

"We need to connect globally." Nod suggested.

"Yeah, but please don't open your social media accounts. A notice for safety. We use the radio here." Stripe said as he turned on the radio. As the radion keeps it decibels, Nod was disappointed to not hear about him missing.

"So, even them don't reall care." Nod whispered to himself.

Nod decided to accept Hue's offer and joined the team. It's been a month since he started to join them but nothing really happened.

"Wait, why are arrows raining that day?" Nod asked Oak who yawn at him.

"Ah, that was the last serious case. The villagers here complained about foreign hunters taking their animals mercilessly." Stripe explained in Oak's case.

"I see. Then it's a case close right?" Nod aired.

"Nope. The hunters seemed to have withdrawn." Hue butt in.

"They seemed to be planning something suspicious by being this silent." Oak said.

Their conversation was interrupted by a loud bang coming from the door.

"Sir Hue please help us." The village captain begged.

Stripped opened the door and listened to the captain's plea.