
Stripe added the volume of the radio as he slices some ingredients. Aside from his love for cooking. Slicing and putting some art on his ingredients made him giddy.

"Announcement, the heir of Wonderer household was reported missing for almost two months. The family has taken into account that there special child might have been kidnapped. If anyone have seen a man with gardient brown hair and nude sphere eyes please visit the authorities."

Hue and Oak glanced at Nod who shrugged at the report.

"Heir of Wonderer?" Hue asked.

"That is a front. I don't know what they were thinking but it is a unusual move which I can assure that it's with malice." Nod notified.

"But it tell's here as kidnapped?" Hue pointed.

"Do we have a laptop here or internet connection?" Nod asked.

"We do... but we are using a dummy account." Hue stated.

"I see, Can I check something?" Nod asked.


Nod started rummaging over his phone and typed in the word Wonderer.

An elegant amusement park got displayed.

"So, your family owns an amusement park?" Oak beamed.

"Yeah, And as I thought. This is to attract more people into visiting the park." Nod stated.

He put on his account and commented below the page.

"I am not missing! I am on a vacation. Please take back your news report." Nod typed.

"Aren't you making things worst?" Hue asked.

"No, I am letting them know that they never really cared." Nod muttured as the comment section got flodded with bashing and criticism.

"Can you help me with this?" Nod requested.

The three agreed as they opened their dummy account.

"The signal strength here is a manna." Oak giggled

"Can you point out that "Maybe they are using their disabled child to attract more people." Nod guided as Hue typed it and posted it.

Upon posting the comment gained a lot if thumbs up. By afternoon the issue got caught by the media and Nod's father bowed his head in apology.

Hue watched as Nod kept his dummy account opened.

"Are you waiting for something?" Hue asked.

"Nope, I was just thinking how free it is to use a dummy account." Nod replied.

"Don't get too hooked on it or it might use you to do the unthinkable." Hue advises.

Nod saluted and logged out.

Stripe was checking and updating on his social status when he came across with the shocking poster.

"Guys, check this out." Stripe yelled.

Hue, Nod and Oak gather on the screen and said.

"This photo was when we I was trying to escape him from the hunters." Oak commented.

The photo contained of Oak dragging Nod on the ground. Although Oak's face was not shown due to her hood, Nod's face was clear.

"Please give back our Son." was the caption of the image.

Nod gritted his teeth as he sat down by their wooden bench.

"I... I will go and properly let them know." Nod muttured.

"Yeah, as long as you get back." Hue replied.

Nod left his things assuring them that he plans to get back. He drive down the rock and muddy way. His thoughts are going in circle at how his patents can easily manipulate anything. He parked by their house and entered the house and was surprised to see that his parents are preparing for an interview.

"I hope this goes well. If Nod ever shows up and confirms everything then it's our lose." His mother mouthed but his father remained indignant and would not listen to her. Nod clenched his fist and was about to approach them when he heared the buzzling sound outside their house.

Nod his behind the sculpture by their door. Their house represents a miniature of the arcade. It was like a modern mansion.

His parents passed him and excitedly opened the door.

"Sir Ma'am where did you acquired the photo?"

"Do you have a witness?"

"It seems that the kidnapper is a woman?"

"Did the kidnapper already messaged you?"

The reporters rain down there questions ad the flash of camera almost blinded the entrance of the house.

"We, received the photo from an unknown sender." his father reasoned out

"So far the kidnapper haven't shown herself yet." his mother supported.

"Do you have a message to the kidnapper?" One reporter shouted.

"Yes,.. Uhmm son please be safe... we will surely have you back." His mother spoke.

"How about toward the kidnapper?" a follow up request was aired.

"We will give you everything you want. Please don't harm our son." his father spoke.

Nod glared at his parent's word as he recalled how it was to live with this fake people. Nod was about to step out from hidding when a familiar voice halted the buzzling sound.

"Are you sure that your son got kidnapped?" Hue voiced out with his white hat, gloves and sacks.

"What if those two are in love?" Stripe raised with his rainbow pattern attire.

The crowd got noisy and has search for the source of voice but cannot find it.

Nod almost got flustered when Stripe said that he might be in relationship with Oak. The thought had him blushing. Nod peeked through the window and saw Oak waving at him. Nod run jump out of their side window behind the sculpture.

"What are you guys doing here?" Nod inquired in surprised.

"We came to help you." Oak replied.

"How?" Nod asked.

The crowd went silent when Nod and Oak appeared hand and hand by the door.

"That is true. I was not kidnapped. I...I.. am.. with her." His face became a tomato color.

Hue and Stripe hid and was gigling. The media started interviewing the two.

When the reporter left, Nod's father approach him and slapped his face with the back of his hand.

"Your not just useless. Your also shameless." His icy tone embraced the mansion.

Nod looked back with anger. He never eyed his parents this way. He always displayed obedience. His patents was shock to see such anger from his expression.

"Don't you dare look at me that way." His father hissed.

"You gave me a lot of reason to do so." Nod talk back

"Is that what you learned from this woman of yours?" His father blamed at Oak.

"No, this is what I earned from what you always do to me!" Nod yelled that even their maids were stratled.