"Is There Anyone Still Left?"~15

The view was erie to the soldiers within the camp. The woman who had her face slapped and messy looked possessed but the real scene behind was Nod getting tired of holding the woman up using his part of bullet belt. Since it was short and only had it tied on her waist Nod accidentally wiggled her.

Stripe was fast enough to follow through. Oak only had a wrist size left from the fire. She also threw some on the ground to support the act. Hue raised the single bullet like a plane and almost had it pierced the soldier's right eye.

Nod carefully land the woman and the bullets started raining one by one. It was like a horor movie for those who can't see the four behind the scene. When the soldiers scram away from the woman. The tent got finally emptied. The woman started weeping as she fall on the ground.

"I don't know who you are but thank you. I will never forget this. I can now peacefully get back to my husband." The woman cried in gratitude as she walked out humbly.

The four sat by the same tent and opened the face powder.

"Next Player."

Nod gently plucked the pin and wheel started and the pointer halted at "G"




The team appeared in front of an ancient bridge. It had an octagon center piece. The floor and the fencing were stones and woods. The lake had something tied on it. It's a knot with white braided letters.

"This place can be classified as a romantic landscape." Oak breathed.

"Yes, how about a date?" Nod offered.

"No thanks!" Hue replied as he nags.

"We are here to observe yet all the letters on the plate hang all above the lake are names." Hue added as he lean in to read and observe.

"Yep, should we write our names here." Stripe offered.

"I don't think that is a good idea." Oak replied.

An old man waltz in with his cane. He had a royal robe and ornament.

"My, this names are soon to be sent. Our grave is about to be full. May this decision favor this nation." He recited like a poem.

Nod used his elbow to hit Stripe by his side and said.

"Do you still want to hang your name on this lake?"

"No, I decline but it would be sad that even the least token of you seemed to get erased." Stripe spoke. His tone was melodramatic Nod and Hue even agree with him. Oak just gave a slight giggle.

"Then if that happens those who wrote those names will remember. It has one writing style and stroke." Hue answered.

The old man glanced at their spot as if he can see them. Hue even frozed unconsciously.

"I think this lake will be feared soon. I hope the moon does not adjust the water's rage." The old man again spoke. He passed through the four and touched the single tree in the middle of the octagon.

"May the secrets you have witnessed be kept by you alone, forever." He spoke in full remorse as he watch the calm lake be periodically touched by the wind.

The old man passed through Stripe and halted.

"Who are you?" the old man inquired.

Stripe covered his mouth. Nod blinked his eyes while Oak and Hue exchange glances.

"I can feel your presence is not from here." The old man claimed.

"I can sense you. You are not welcome in this land." The old man stormed as stamp his cane on the wooden floor.

"If you try anything hast better leave. This place is not a stand by area." The old man warned.

"If you find the secret of this lake. It will ravage and devour you." He added but before he walked out the place he said.

"If you ever live to witness it then you are ward in within our care." The old man boasted.

Hue stared at the old man and said.

"We need to follow that man. He might be the reason why there is a secret in this lake."

"Aren't you suspecting him so much?" Nod asked.

"No, his words are not empty. It has a double meaning." Stripe butt in.

Oak and Hue gasped.

"You realised that?! you have grown." Oak complimented.

The used the same method, follow the first person. Find the problem and seek the solution with the things they can only touch within the place they are transported.

The old man walked in the busy street almost most of the people greet him. The noise, scent and display made sense. The team got put in a kingdom.

"We forgot to track the things we can touch in here." Stripe reminded.

"Let us follow the old man first and get back to the lake." Hue instructed.

The old man entered the palace and is formerly known as the King's adviser.

The old man bowed to young King. The King looked more old than the old man who later on was called by the King Perry.

"I have seen the lake and it starts to change it's texture. We need to burn those plate name when the moom rises." Perry reported.

The King just replied as if he does not care.

Perry walked out in distraught since the King he serves had no qualms in everything he does.

Perry grumpily exited the palace. His cane left a loud clank as he step oustide the gate. The sound was strong and powerful it indicate the old man's fierce anger.

"I will no longer serve this King. I will leave this place. I will abandon it and will allow the lake to expose the graves that are to be seen." He proclaimed as he left the royal gate.

The team returned unto the lake and search for their tools that can only connect them in this world when some men arrived and threw the old man in the lake his cane created an extreme thud that disturbed the water.