Caught in Disgrace ~ 24

The tectonic tempest caused a terror to the vast land. The people were begging and crying as all the building and the ground got tumult at the same time. The upheaval caused by the quaking left some people being eaten by the ground.

The Wondered park were left in ruin. The four got put in the park owned by Nod.

The earthquake were intense that all the things Nod used to loved were now in rubble.

It was like a the end of the world.

"We need to find what we need." Nod spoke as he looked around.

Hue just agreed as Stripe and Oak exchange glances. They looked for anything and Stripe found the signage Wondered as their weapon.

Nod stared at the park he used to love when his parents used to love him and not the park. It all started in a simple request of fun.

The park was his most loved place but now it's all on the ground.

A cry was heard within a ferris wheel. Many were trapped and are crying out for help.

Hue used the placard to help them all out. They left the are and place in one peace. The after math of the quake left them in utter distress.

"We need to calm down and think carefully. If this is happening now then how about our houses?" Stripe said.

They decided to visit Hue's house and found it in casualties. The maids and his family were weeping. Their wealth were gone. All the thinhs that Hue hated were not fully tarnished.

Nod had their mansion the same. His parents were weeping as they embraced each other.

There were maids and butler that got injured and wounded but no one died.

Oak went to see their house and found the pieces scattered all over the place.

Stripe visit his small and simple house and found his mother blankly staring at the side if the road. The rescue team invited her to the evacuation center. Stripe watch the ambulance take his mother away.

Stripe was then stapled in a memory he never wished to get back. His father who was the owner of a famous wine forced himself on his mother and later on got her pregnant. He abandoned them and got married when Stripe first met Oak he hated her. He despised her existence. She was well provided while he needs to work for them. Stripe hated everytime Oak would follow him around back then yet he smiled and put up with it. When their father tried to sell Oak as his pawn. Stripe stepped im regardless of how much he envied Oak it's not right.

Their father started toying with him till Stripe got overworked and burned out. His father later on had him secretly sold to men who were travelling and abused Stripe. He got bought with the cost of 20 mina. Since then he got sick and was diagnosed with an illness concerning his ribs.

The doctor briefed his father about his rare disease but he did not care. He even empowered bossing him around. Stripe can't even pronounced the disorder properly but was discussed as

"Tietze syndrome" is characterized by mild to severe localized pain and tenderness in one or more of the upper four ribs. The second or third ribs are most often affected. In most people, the cartilage of only one rib is affected. A firm, spindle-shaped swelling occurs in the cartilage of the affected rib. An aching, gripping, sharp, dull, or neuralgic pain occurs in this area. Sometimes, the pain may spread to affect the neck, arms and shoulders. Redness (erythema) and warmth of the affected area may be present.

The onset of pain may be gradual or sudden, and can vary in intensity. The pain associated with Tietze syndrome may worsen due to sneezing, coughing, or strenuous activity or exercise. The pain usually subsides after several weeks or months, but the swelling may persist. The exact incidence or prevalence of the disorder is unknown. Specific treatment for individuals with Tietze syndrome consists of rest, avoidance of strenuous activity, the application of heat to the affected area, and pain medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or a mild pain reliever (analgesic).

Yet his father throughly did the opposite. Oak would help him around but their heartless father punishes his little sister. That is why Stripe exhorts himself more than necessary. Oak bought him a jumper since his father ignored his complications. Stripe also learned that his father often get his mother pregnant and would force her to abort. Because of that his mother was diagnosed with a severe mental disease. When his father learned of it. He just shove his mother in a hospital and left her rotting in there. He took in Stripe as his worker. Stripe and Oak started to get along but his father's ill mannared and obsession toward his daughter caused them to escape and live in mountains.

Stripe followed the direction where his mother got taken.

"She remembered our house well." He whispered.

A cry was heared in the house. It was a boy who got trapped and his feet was bleeding.

The boy wailed when the placard with a huge Wonderer moved on it's own.

He was scared at the unknown thing as it approach. The boy thought that it will slapped on his head but it gently laid on the floor on his side. It moved on it own. It pushed the wood and cement on his bleeding feet. Then suddenly it scooped him. The boy was then scared but it carried him off. It felt like he was ridding the placard ..

The boy peeked under the signage and was more than amazed. It's floating.

"I am flying?" he uttured.

Stripe watched the boy cry and scream as they approach. His eyes widen and trembles as they move. Hue and Nod pushed the cart as Oak helped the two in removing the woods and cement gently. Stripe saw his figure in the boy's eyes. It remind him of his painful disgrace.