Is not? ~30

"Stop. If you destroy that then all of our efforts will be in vain." Nor pleaded.

Stripe even glide on the floor to catch it but it was paused. The bag brushed his palm.

"Then what do you want me to do. Keep playing doctor?" Alta raised.

"No, I mean yes. If you suddenly disappear they will suspect you as the one who stole those organs. Unfortunately, Hax filed a report that Bar's oragan were unfound." Nor explained as he tried to convince Alta.

The woman glared at Nor and said.

"Then I will take this with me. Until you get me out if the hospital." Alta decided as she twirled around and walked out if the mansion.

Nor followed him to the door and said.

"You know that the operation will be tomorrow."

"Yes, that is why you only get more time to get me out of this crappy business. See you." Alta stated as she sit in her car and drive it like lightning flash.

Oak and Nod glanced at each other as they trailed Nor. He walked up to the master's bedroom and sat beside a man who's breath is unstable.

"Bro, I will save you. Hang on, we got your lungs." Nor whispered.

Hue and Stripe followed through the woman named Alta. She walked in within a club. She ordered a drink and enjoyed her night. She even bought a take home that made Hue and Stripe embarrassed.

"This woman is scary. I wish to never marry someone like her." Stripe whispered.

"Don't say that, be careful what you wish for." Hue answered back. She lighted a cigarette as she preseved the organ.

"That Nor tried to trick me, to bad for him, I don't play games." She gigled and slammed herself on the bed.

Hax and Gery met up with Pia and Alta who are now in the lab. Hue and Stripe had a dark circle under their eyes. Nod inquire about the reason behind it and end up blushing, Stripe had enumerated the details. Oak eavesdrop and as she felt flushed.

"The organs of Mr. Bar were missing. And it was allegedly reported after we left the lab. The woman describe the witness as a cleaner." Gery stated.

"I see but I came here and did not notice anything. I returned the lab record after speaking to the police. I did bump into someone who was pushing a trolly." Alta stated.

"Thanks that helped." Hax assured.

Alta put on a slight grin. Hue instructed Oak to use the zip bag to open bar's freezer. The action surprised the doctors.

"That was real creepy." Pia commented with her monotonous pitch.

"hahaha, I am not convinced." Gery teased.

Hax approach the freezer to check if it's broken but found nothing wrong.

"This is strange this freezer is fine." Hax announced.

"Stop joking, don't tell me you believe in ghosts." Alta remarked as she observed the freezer.

"Yep, Maybe Mr. Bar is angry for having his organs stolen. His grave is not even respected plus the suspect happened to be a man named Nor." Hax nonchalantly informed.

"What are their connection?" Alta raised.

"According to the authorities, Nor and Bar are cousins, Nor seemed to have pleaded him about his older brother but Bar seemed to have mocked him. Well Nor's statement was he tried to push him off the building but Nor countered him in protection to. himself and Bar end up getting laid on a nail. The scaffolding went awry and Bar fell." Gery filled in.

"This is supposed to be you task Alta!" Gery notified.

"Sorry, The police dismissed me earlier than expected." Alta reasoned out

"Plus, I came back here to get some bags." Alta's voice echoed out.

"Oh, really. What bag?" asked by Hax who had his eyebrows shot up and eyed Alta.

Alta had her eyes wide. It was not her who speak but it was her voice, tone and pitch.

"Uh, the one that was behind the door, To avoid Gery from getting scared." Alta recited as she sweated and curled her toes.

"Wow, I am touched. Thank you." Gery muttured as he hugged himself.

"Yes, Be touched I used it to pack some oragns." Alta's voice confessed.

"What?" Pia tone in with a boring reaction.

"I mean organic food, I ran out of plastic bags. Since those zip bag was frightening to Gery, I made it useful. In fact, I even maximized it to secure my lab gowns and equipment." Alta commented as she tried to sway her feet to check where the voice was coming from but she got none.

"Oh, I did not know that you loved zip bags." Gery winked as he suspicious surveyed Alta.

Hax's phone ringed and he had some long chat and faced the team.

"Nor was caught by the mall, He was found meeting a private doctor for his brother. I bet this case is connected with Nor." He professed.

"Yes, I am his errand guy, I got this organ from here yesterday." Alta's voice spoke as a zip bag with Bar's organ suddenly placed on the floor. It slide behind the door on it's own but it was pushed by Hue as Stripe kept mimicking Alta's voice.

Hax stared at the bag as Gery and Pia was about to check it when Alta cursed and was about to yanked the bag up but Oak tied one of her foot on the trolley. Alta got pushed and hit the wall.

Hax and the gang confirmed that it was the missing organ and later on found out that Alta was the most wanted thief within the area.

"Too bad I even like her." Pia remarked as she took the inventory job again.

"Nope you only wanted to pass the inventory work." Gery spoke as he chuckled.

"Well too bad for Nor, he will be sent to jail but his brother is saved. He could have negotiated with us." Hax emphasised.

"Well, we can just thanked the third person who spoke on Alta's behalf. Just please don't show yourself. I am fine with hearing spirits but not with seeing them." Gery advised as he hid behind Hax.