Never Stop~32

Nod cleared his throat as Stripe and Hue got startled.

"So what happened?" Nod asked.

Hue and Stripe hesitated to reply when Stripe broke it up.

"The cause of death was because of his liver being pierced by his own back bone. " Stripe replied.

Nod glanced at Oak and said.

"See it was not your fault."

"The reason was because his back got his twice by something thick and vast while in a arching position." Stripe added as he looked on the ground.

Oak covered her mouth in full horror as Nod tilt his head since the information did not sinked in.

"Does that mean I killed him?" Nod asked in a cold tone.

"Is what the doctors found after reexamining."

Hue defended as his words got caught in his throat.

"That is good then, It means Oak did not stained her hands." Nod stated as he displayed a slight smile.

Oak tried to reach out on Nod who avoided the gesture and said.

"I need to be alone. I need to think. Don't worry, I won't do anything rash." Nod step backwards and passed through the door. He run out of the hospital and trailed Gery who was heading to the parking lot. Nod jump in within his car. Hue and the gang trailed him and saw what he did.

"He said he won't do something rash." Hue hissed. They ambushed the car from the hospital gate and hop in. Nod shrieks as Oak and Stripe sat beside him.

Hue raise a brow as he sat beside Gerry.

The car halted in front of a bachelor's pad. Gery opened his room. He stripped his clothes and soaked within the tab.

"You said you will behave?!" Hue nagged at Nod who kneeled in front of a beast mode Hue.

"I am sorry, I just don't know what to do. I only followed my instinct." Nod apologises.

"I got it.. no more next time." Hue strictly reminded. Gery came out of the shower wearing his towel on waist. Nod and Stripe covered Oak's eyes.

Gery started to put on his pajama. Eat a bowl if grapes with cereal and milk. He dried his hair and slept like a log.

"We followed the wrong guy." Stripe sighed.

"I am sorry." Nod pleaded as he look around.

"I like this pad. It's good for a single person." Hue remarked. They tried watching a movie but forgot to bring a zip bag with them. Luckily Nod still had one in his pouch. He snatched the bag where the box of pizza was put over.

They started scavenging inside his refrigerator only to find a lot of leafy vegetables, milk, and cereal. There are eggs but no fish and meat.

"This person is really a healthy one." Stripe commented.

"Yes, We can only take a bowl of grapes and milk." Hue advised.

"It must have been hard for him to eat meat with his work." Oak emphatically stated.

The door suddenly rang and it revealed a mam who looks like Gery but was older.

He stormed in within the room and tried to take Gery's money. He rumages all over his clothes. Put on a pair and used everything as if it's his own. Gery woke up from the man's impolite actions.

"What are you doing?" Gery asked.

"Nothing just grabbing some women and partying. I will get some of your cash. I also put on your suit and jeans. Oh and your perfume smelt like tea." The man smiked.

"Enough. I am too tired to scold and argue with you. Just leave my wallet there." Gery said as he lazily paced through the comfort room.

"Did you operate on Pomegranate?" The man asked.

"Yeah how do you know him?" Gery asked.

"I work under him. He is sick. He is a beast. He even consumed his own daughter. And put his son in a disabled body. It was heart breaking but I can't help those kids." The man spoke as he comb his hair and applied some toner.

"Zery, Stop getting involved witb dangerous people." Gery advised.

"I had no choice. I saw something I should not have been. He caught me and threathens to kill me if I ever speak up." Zery replied.

"And what would that be?" Gery asked.

"Remember the organs I asked you to get for me, the one being rejected by the hospitals. He is using it for strange activities. He even had his first wife go through abortion a lot of times that caused her to be in the mental hospital. His daughter went through the same and the worst part was his wife. The second one she was sliced like a piece of meat as his people kept partying. Her body was burnt and her bones are preserved in a jar. That jar was in their attic but maybe broken right now." Zery exposed as he posed on the mirror.

"And now I am free, I never want to be involved with that man." Zery said as he grabbed the coat and bid his goodbye.

Oak and Stripe was shocked. They never expect that the attic was used as such.

"Is your father a human or demon?" Nod asked

"I honestly don't know." Stripe spoke.

"We need to find that jar." Oak claimed.

Gery walked up to them and leaned in Hue's face.

"This is weird I am hearing things again."

Gery leaned in as Hue bend backwards

"There are sounds of breathing around here but can't spot anyone." Gery stated.

The three zoom out from the area as Hue remained unmoved. He tried to step backward but Gery kept following his direction.

"Now, I can smell some milk." Gery added.

Hue sat down to avoid the doctor. He walked right through him and closed the door.

"This is ridiculous, I need to sleep or I will go insane." Gery decided as he switched off the lights.

Oak and Stripe guided the way to their house to find it fully wrecked. It felt like it was bombed since all the parts are scattered. Most of the houses they passes by are splitted not scattered. The dig in using the zip bag they only have.