You have to sleep with me

"Oh my fucking god!!"

In the early morning, a shout had echoed the whole apartment. Nearly breaking the glass in the bedroom.

"Am I dreaming?" In shock, Vera muttered to herself. Eyes were on the phone screen as they were glued to it.

The message had come.

Revealing she got a million dollars in bank account. "I am fucking rich now!!"

With a wide grin displayed on her face, Vera shouted out loud in delight.

Feeling blissful to see Ezra Kingston actually sending her the amount of money she wanted.

Without hesitating, the woman got out of the bed to prepare for today. She promised the man to encounter in afternoon at cafe.

She had to do as her words since he gave the money she craved.

"You should forget about that jerk!"

Vera pointed her finger in mirror. Talking to herself to remind how she got nothing to be depressed about.

And the woman commenced the day promptly. "Sheesh.. I look hot" confidently, Vera smiled at her own reflection before heading out.

"Let's go"

After a few minutes of spending time in car, the woman finally arrived to the cafe she vowed to meet at.

Suddenly, her steps ceased in realization. Standing in the middle of pathway.

'I did not ask when I will be seeing him' Vera's face dropped in an instant. Wanting to hit her head with the wall like sandbag.

"Miss Vera" out of the blue, the voice broke in.

Capturing the woman's attention.

She quickly turned around, only to discover the man in black suit who she nearly had a brawl with yesterday.

It was him.

The one who ceased her from meeting with Ezra Kingston just because she did not have an appointment.

"What?" with an attitude, Vera asked.

Looking at the man up and down in curiosity.

"Boss is already waiting for you in cafe. I was ordered to lead the way"

The man notified.

Hushing down the woman. Should she believe him? Well, she did not have any other options than going after him.

"Then show me the way please"

Vera pleaded, half unwillingly. "Please follow me" the man directed from the front. While the woman walked from behind.

They two stepped into the cafe. But Vera could not find the man at all.

"Hey! Where is he?" she queried in confusion. Annoying the man who was leading the way.

"I am not kidnapping you, Miss. Boss booked a private room for talk"

He explained. Hushing down the woman. "No one is telling I am afraid that you might kidnap me"

Vera retorted. Rolling her eyes in annoyance.

And like that she reached.

The man revealed the door, only to see the sight of the man sitting at the table with a calm expression.

A smile promptly tugged at Vera's lips. She settled down across Ezra Kingston as they both maintained eye contact.

"You left without listening when to meet, Little girl" the man stated. His both gaze and voice were tranquil.

As if a peaceful world was him. "I forgot. But I still managed to encounter you anyway"

The woman shrugged. Not admitting how she was in fault. "Alright"

Ezra did not say anything more.

He lifted his hand as the man in black suit promptly placed the file on his palm. Grabbing Vera's attention fully.

"Read them carefully and notify if there is anything you can't fulfill or don't understand" Ezra spoke.

Passing the file in front of the woman. "What if there is something I can't fulfill?"

Vera queried out of curiosity. Peering back into the man's cold gaze. "You will see" Ezra retorted. His face held a hint of boredom.

As if he could expect what would happen in a few minutes.

The woman commenced to read the contract in silence. The first requirement was simple though.

She had to be good at communicating since he would be attending parties and balls. 'I am the best at faking' Vera confirmed in her mind.

The second demand was she could not develop feelings for him nor others. More likely to say she had no rights to love anyone after marrying him.

And most importantly, the third wish was she could not break the contract in these three months even if she required to run away.

She had to be with him only.

"Are you kidding me? These are the only essentials I have to fulfill?" with a disappointed frown, the woman questioned.

Earning a nod back from the man. "It's a piece of cake. Anyone can achieve it"

Vera scoffed. Throwing the file onto the table. "That's what every woman has said after reading the commitment but failed anyway"

Ezra taunted back. Saying the woman was going to lose in the end.

A smirk tugged at Vera's lips instantly. "Looking down on me already huh"

She murmured.

"I have a question by the way" the woman added up as the man nodded as response.

"What if it's you who developed feelings for me instead?" Unexpected query from Vera, confused the man.

Causing Ezra's brows to pull together. He had made an expression finally.

"Don't worry. It will never happen"

The man's confident reply amused the woman so that she chuckled in entertainment.

"We will see about it" Vera muttered. Perplexing the man who could not hear her words.

"When is the marriage then? Or there is no wedding at all?"

Vera's right brow rose. Expecting the man to say there was no marriage ceremony.

"It is your choice to make" Ezra Kingston's reply hushed down the woman.

"What?" she frowned.

"You are going to be my wife. You are the one in choosing decisions since it is not acceptable for females to appear out of nowhere as a wife"

Ezra retorted. Stunning Vera wholly.

He sounded like a gentleman.

He cared about the female more than she anticipated.

"Um, let's just sign the marriage certificate and you announce the marriage. I don't think it is a need for ceremony to occur"

Vera's response caused the man's brows to lift for a second. This was not what he expected.

Ezra believed the woman would ask for the biggest and luxurious marriage ceremony.

Turned out she gave no fuck about those.

"Are you certain with your decision, little girl?" the man questioned. "Yep, I will sign the contract right now" Vera assured.

Wearing a smile still on her face.

A pen reached into the palm of the woman as she wished. And she left her signature at the bottom of the commitment.

Then Ezra signed the paper. "I brought the marriage certificate as well" the man informed.

Placing the paper in front of the woman.

'Already prepared huh' Vera voiced in her mind.

Then she signed the marriage certificate right away without hesitating and so did the man. They two had now officially become the wife and husband.

"So what's next?" Vera queried.

Crossing her legs while maintaining eye contact with the man still.

"We are attending the marriage of my nephew this weekend" Ezra stated. Bringing up a wide grin onto the woman's face.

Finally, the time she had been waiting had arrived. "I will announce our marriage at there"

The man declared. Earning a nod back from the woman as approval. "Also.." Ezra started; pulling out the black card from his pocket.

"This is yours now. Buy whatever you require" the man allowed.

Stunning the woman entirely. "But you gave me a million already" Vera responded with a confused frown.

"That's enough for you?"

Ezra queried back. Hushing down the woman. She gulped at the sight of the black card in the man's hand.

"How much is there in the card?" Vera asked out of curiosity. "More than five million" Ezra stated. Making the woman drool for money.

When no response came up from the woman, the man tilted his head.

"Or do you prefer this more?" Ezra's another hand slipped into pocket. Revealing the dubai royale mastercard.

It was the moment Vera Charlene discovered how she could swim in piles of money everyday if she had Ezra Kingston by herself.

Just by a glance at the card which had real gold plated on the edges and diamond in the middle, she knew this card contained more than twenty million inside.

"No, black card is enough"

Vera affirmed. "Then take it" Ezra handed the card to the woman.

"What if I used all the money?" Vera queried when the black card fell into her grasp. "I still have more" Ezra retorted.

Hushing down the woman entirely. 'Just what the fuck is he doing so that he owns dubai royale mastercard also?!'

Shock swam inside the woman's mind.

"I will give you two days to pack your clothes and stuffs. Or don't pack anything at all since everything will be prepared before you arrive"

Ezra stated. Confusing the woman totally. "What?" she furrowed her brows.

"You will be staying with me for these three months" the man declared. Causing the woman to gasp in realization.

"Oh right" Vera muttered. "Does it mean I will be staying with you for three months after two days?" she asked.

Earning a nod back from the man.

"Great then. Is there anything else to follow such as rules?" Vera questioned. Tilting her head to the side.

"No. All you have to do is pretend to be my wife in front of everyone including my mother and nephew. You have to sleep with me also"

The last sentence stunned the woman who was listening.

She blinked twice. Revealing her perplexity through expression. "Wait, why should I sleep with you?" she asked out loud.

"We have to appear like real wife and husband in everyone's sight. You have to be in same bed with me no matter what" Ezra declared, authoritatively.

It was when Vera's frown loosened.

"Oh you meant about sleeping in one bed together?" she asked with a relieved smile.

Confusing the man for a second. "What else did you expect?" Ezra queried back in puzzlement. Having no clue what the woman meant.

No response came up from Vera. She just sheepishly smiled as if she did something wrong.

And her expression made the realization hit the man. His brows pulled together in disbelief.

This woman! She was thinking about having sex! She thought he was asking her to have sex with him!

"Alright, I agree with all the rules" along with a fake cough, Vera pushed away the awkward silence around them to somewhere else.

"Then the discussion ends here. Excuse me" Ezra stood up from the seat.

Both were acting like nothing awkward happened between them just now.

"See you!" Vera bid farewell while the man walked away without looking back at all.

Annoying the woman somehow.