A reason behind this marriage


With a smile tugged at her lips, Vera greeted the men in black suits who had come to pick her up.

As his words, Ezra Kingston sent the men and car to get her.

Instead of a response, the men bowed. Perplexing the woman somehow. Why weren't they talking?

In confusion,

Vera stepped into the car promptly. She got a luggage with her only.

Nothing more since Ezra Kingston affirmed it was fine even if she did not bring anything to the house.

The ride towards the home was long enough to bore the woman.

Making her let out a sigh.

When would she arrive to there?! The patience commenced to escape from Vera's grasp slowly.

Out of dullness, the woman took out her phone, to play some games.

This was the only way to keep her entertained. After a few more minutes, the car ceased.

Delighting Vera entirely.

In hurry, she slipped her phone back into the shoulder bag.

Looking up when the man opened the car door for her and gestured her to step out of the car.

"Thanks" The woman expressed gratitude. Getting out promptly.

And she froze at the spot.

The fountain and garden which were spacious enough to build apartments. The castle looked alike buildings could be seen.

They were cooperated into a whole house only. This was not a house.

The sight in front of her could be a fucking palace even! "That's why I love money" Vera murmured.

Being a sucker for wealth as always. "Please walk in, Miss" The men voiced from behind.

Earning a nod back.

The woman trod into the villa as one of the men dragged the luggage of hers. "Welcome, Miss"

As soon as Vera stepped in, the women and men bowed in lines.

Startling the woman wholly.

For the first ever time in her life getting welcomed with full of respect from people left and right lines like this. "Oh, thanks"

With an awkward beam, Vera responded. Not knowing what to do.

"Master is waiting in his workroom, Miss. Please follow me to get there" one of the women stepped forward.

Giving the aura of the head maid since she stood up like a person who hold all the power than others.

Vera went after the woman.

Leaving her luggage in hands of the man who seemed to be trustworthy.

"Master" Along with knocks on the door, the woman voiced. "Miss Vera Charlene has arrived" she informed.

"Let her in" a response came up.

"Please enter, Miss" the woman beckoned. Earning a nod back.

Without hesitating, Vera stepped into the workroom of the man. But her steps prevented.

The sight commanded her to stand still at place as the door shut.

There he was.

Sitting on the black leather lounge with arms resting on the lounge's frame as his dark hazel eyes stared right into her teal blue eyes.

Since he was tilting his head to left side slightly, the pretty snake tattoo on his neck could be seen.


He looked fucking attractive. That's what the woman could process at the moment right now. 

"Finally, we are staying together as married couple"

With a smile tugged at her lips, Vera stated. Maintaining the intense eye contact still with the man.

"For three months only" Ezra corrected. Causing the woman to roll her eyes in annoyance. "It can end in a month even or last forever"

Vera claimed.

A smirk smeared up across her face as the man raised his right brow.

"Sit already. I have got something to tell" Ezra commanded and changed topic. His low-pitched yet calm tone never failed to make Vera smiled.

She favored his voice honestly.

Maybe because he did not speak that much so that she started craving to hear his voice more.

In tranquility, the woman settled down at the lounge across the man.

She remained silent and observed him. "There is a reason behind this marriage" Ezra claimed.

Puzzling the woman.

"Yes?" She tilted her head and let the man continue. Pondering what it was. For a few seconds, the man remained silent.

He did not say anything. As if he was considering if he should say the words or not. It upset the woman.

"Tell me why already"

Out of impatience, Vera commanded in an annoyed tone.

"My mother has three months left to stay only and she wants me to get a wife who I love" The man explained.

Stunning the woman wholly.

She obviously did not expect the reason to be like this. This man truly loved his mother so that he faked a whole marriage for her.

"But I heard the rumors of you having a perfect wife before"

Vera voiced.

Right brow lifting as her eyes stared right through the man's. "Why did you drop her when she is perfect?"

Vera added up a question.

The woman who this man had a contract was perfect for real.

She was a famous model who had a great personality. And this man left her because she loved him?

This was unbelievable.

"The first woman I chose, broke the demands before I introduce her to mother" Ezra detailed.

He clearly was telling about how she caught feelings for him.

"I see"

With a disappointed expression, the woman responded under her breath. Gathering silence.

It was kind of uncomfortable for the woman to sit in awkward silence.

"Anything else you want to say?"

The only way to break the ice was to start the conversation; and Vera stepped onto the awkward silence.

It was the moment the man voiced. "I am certain I already told about my nephew to you" Ezra claimed.

Earning a nod back from the woman as response. "There will be his wedding in next two days. I hired a designer to make dress for you"

In a low tone, he declared.

Stunning the woman entirely. He for real prepared things such as designer for his nephew's wedding.

"What is his name though?" While tilting her head to right side, Vera attempted to act clueless as if she had no intention to be here.

"Zane. Zane Kingston"

Ezra introduced calmly. "Who is he marrying?" Vera queried again.

Revealing her curiosity and interest in the life of Zane Kingston obviously. But Ezra did not mind.

He answered the woman without hesitating; thinking she should know them as his wife at least.

"Isabella Jones"

The man replied. Making the woman gasped quietly along with a nod. So her name was Isabella.

"Is she a doctor? A model?" Vera continued the questions.

Furrowing her brows slightly out of curiosity. It hushed down the man.

She seemed to be interested in the couple. No one had asked about his nephew's woman's life like this.

What did this woman want?

Was she digging some information? Ezra quietly doubted Vera.

And the woman noticed it. No, she should not let him discover she was using him to take a revenge on his nephew. She would be dead meat.

"I mean, what kind of woman is this lucky to get the nephew of someone like you" Vera shrugged.

Saying everyone would be curious as her if they were in her position.


A word escaped between the man's lips. "What?" Vera frowned slightly. "She is an actress" Ezra stated.

Hushing down the woman. An actress? Never expected it.

This clearly pointed out Isabella Jones was good at acting and faking things. "It isn't luck then"

Vera scoffed under her breath.

Telling indirectly that Isabella Jones got Zane Kingston wrapped around her fingers with her acting skills.

"Let's go" suddenly, Ezra stood up from the lounge. Perplexing Vera.

"To where?" She asked. "To my mother. You are meeting her right now" He declared assertively.

"Wait what?"

The command of the man confused the woman. "Get up" He repeated.

Causing Vera to roll her eyes and stand up at last. "At least, tell me your mother's name and what I should avoid in front of her"

The woman suggested from behind. Facing the back of man who was about to twist the door's handle.

"Diana is her name. She hates fake people and snakes alike ones"

Ezra notified without turning around. Opening the door promptly as the woman's lips smeared up.

"She must have met snake alike people and fake ones in her life"

Vera chuckled.

Walking out of the room from behind of the man. "Wait, if she hates fake people, aren't we fake though?"

The woman queried out loud. "She is gonna hate both you and me once she discovers everything is fake" Vera stated with a frown. 

But no response came up back. The man kept walking in tranquility.

Irritating the woman entirely.

Guess she had no choice and had to follow this man only. Maybe he would handle all by himself.

She shouldn't be worried.

As Ezra Kingston prepared to step on the stairs, the woman asked.

"Your mother lives here as well along with your nephew?"

The question from Vera did not even stand a chance to cease the man from stepping onto stairs.

He kept walking from the front.

But still answered.

"Mother is the only one who lives with me. Zane Kingston just steps in and out of this house when I tell him to" Ezra disclosed.

Revealing his authority.

Vera quietly smiled in satisfaction; from the behind of the man where he could not take a peek at her.

She successfully chose the right person for her schemes.

"Got it" The woman responded.

Kicking the smile off her face as soon as they both reached to the room on the third floor.

"Master has come to meet you, Ma'am" the maid informed through knocks on the door as soon as she witnessed the married couple.

And the door swung opened.

Revealing the neat room which was covered in rose color.

"Oh my! Don't tell me you have picked a stranger from the street to introduce as your wife, son"

The woman laying on the king sized bed provoked in an annoyed tone.

Catching the attention of the couple fully. "We got married for real, mom" Ezra responded as he settled down on the bench beside the bed.

No reply came up from Diana who seemed to be upset about something. She just laid there.

While staring at her son in silence. It turned the situation into awkward one for the woman. "It is nice meeting you, Ma'am"

Vera stepped onto the awkward silence. Failing to handle it.

The polite slight bow of the woman and the fact that she did not call mother right away captured the attention of Diana fully.

This one appeared to be fine somehow, unlike the other women she had seen before. "What is your name?"

Diana questioned. "I am Vera Charlene, Ma'am"

The woman beamed brightly. Standing still like a statue as the man peered at her in tranquility.

"Sit beside him"

Diana ordered. Causing the woman to obey instantly. She settled down right beside Ezra Kingston.

And wore a smile still on her face. "What do you do for living?"

Diana began her questions list. It slightly made the woman panic though. Feeling as if she was in an interview to get a job.

"I am a civil engineer, Ma'am"

Vera divulged. "But it seems like you are free enough to waste time"

Diana mocked with a smile. Stunning Vera who did not expect it.

Did this woman just provoke her? How amusing. Instead of an upset expression, Vera smiled.

And she let out a soft giggle.

It surprised Diana wholly. Even Ezra anticipated the woman to sweat in panic at the taunt of his mother.

But this woman chuckled as if she had no time to be scared.

"What are you laughing at?"

Diana queried with a frown.