She is my wife


All the women and men at the entrance of the hotel bowed at the sight of Diana appearing with her son and daughter in law.

They all paid respect as Vera glanced around the area.

Her hand still held firmly on the man's biceps. As for Diana who was in wheelchair, Ezra helped her.

He did not let any others push the wheelchair carelessly.

With a wife on his right side and the mother at the front, Ezra appeared as the caring gentle man.

"Lead the way already"

Authoritatively, Diana commanded to the guide. Causing the two girls to rush up in hurry right away.

"I have a query" Under her breath, Vera voiced in low tone.

Tiptoeing near to the ear of the man slightly as Ezra glanced down. "I am listening, darling" With a smile tugged at his lips, the man replied.

His response somehow hushed down the woman. More likely to describe she was in pure shock.


Vera cursed herself in awareness. She could not let her guards down.

A smile displayed across her face.

Putting a quick reaction to veil the surprise she got always.

"I thought you preferred to hide your identity and face from the public" The young woman whispered.

"How come you attend to marriage where the crowd would be at, without any masks upon?" Then she added up a question.

"Who said I revealed my identity?"

With a query, Ezra responded. They kept following after two girls also.

The question from the man puzzled the young woman totally. "Get straight to the point" She ordered.

Impatience was getting away from her grasp slowly which caused Vera to command dominantly without realizing herself even.

It amused Ezra wholly.

This young woman named Vera Charlene never failed to surprise him.

The way she ordered to him fearlessly truly amused him.

"You are a business man's wife at the moment. Zane Kingston is just a nephew of successful businessman who got married to an actress"

Ezra explained at last. Causing Vera to gasp quietly in understanding. So she was under disguise today.


They all were under disguise.

"I am glad I asked you. Otherwise, you would not even alert me"

Along with an eye roll, Vera thanked herself. This man did not even bother to notify her till she queried.

"My apologies, love"

Once again, Ezra's apology shocked the woman. She gulped quietly.

No matter how many times this man smiled at her warmly and responded gently with affectionate gaze, she could not get used to it.

It felt so strange.

Eavesdropping the conversation between her son and daughter in law, Diana grinned in gratification.

How satisfying to witness her son showing this much love upon his wife through words and actions. This was the sight she wanted.

She only required to observe him like this. "You have arrived"

The two girls apprised. Attracting the three attention fully.

The door swung opened.

It was the moment, people from the inside of hall turned around in curiosity. "Oh my! Finally!"

Through out of the crowd, the man around sixty years old approached.

There was a woman around his age, following him as well. Both had wide grin tugged at their lips.

Revealing the affability clearly.

"Pleased to meet you, Ma'am" The couple greeted with full of respect.

"You must be the parents of Isabella Jones" With a calm expression displayed on, Diana stated.

Earning a nod back from the couple. "Yes, Ma'am. Please take care of our daughter" They pleaded.

But somehow, it annoyed Diana.

She did not say any more and quieted down which gathered awkward atmosphere around them.

It made the couple beam uneasily. Not knowing what to do in this kind of inhibited situation.

"It's nice meeting you once again, Mister Ezra Kingston"

To break down the ice, the man changed the topic. Handing out his hand for handshake.

"Pleasure" Ezra responded.

Going in for the handshake with a calm expression on.

He did not even show off a fake smile. Just wearing a tranquil gaze.

The straight up yet dry reactions from a pair of mother and son, pushed the couple ill at ease.

This was getting uncomfortable.

However, the woman quickly broke in. The turn to acknowledge the woman's presence arrived.

"She is so beautiful. Is she your girlfriend?" The woman asked.

Smiling at Vera who returned a tiny beam as a signature of gratitude.

"No. She is my wife"

Sharply, Ezra declared. Completely shocking the couple. "Wife? I don't remember attending the marriage"

Noticing something was odd, the woman attempted to find out.

"You were not invited I would say" Without even restraining back, Diana voiced with cold expression.

Making Vera pressed her lips tightly to hold back laughter.

These two must have irritated Diana in some ways before. That must be why she was being like this to them.


In pool of embarrassment and full if disbelief, the woman could only fake a smile through out.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen"

Thankfully, the emcee announced. Causing the five to separate at last.

"Have they crossed you back then, mother?" After sitting down at the front, Vera asked Diana in low tone.

"Yes. I never liked that Isabella Jones and her family"

Honestly, the woman admitted.

Not even feeling ashamed to confess her hatred for them.

"Let's welcome the groom with applause!" After speech, everyone clapped to meet the groom.

And the door opened. There he was. Walking down the aisle with a wide grin tugged at his lips.

The white suit with pink shirt under disclosed the fresh, pure love.

He appeared handsome as always.

Everyone's eyes focused on him only. Except the woman, Vera.

She never turned back.

Just peering to the front with tranquil expression on.

But, sorrow ran through inside her quietly. Her heart began to ache.

No. She had to embrace this pain tightly and throw it at him instead of suffering alone by herself.

"Thank you"

Under his breath, Zane Kingston waved at the crowd.

Reaching near to the priest finally.

However, the wide grin upon his face dropped in an instant like a flash as soon as he eyed on his uncle and grandmother.

The shocked expression replaced his delightful big smile.

There was a woman between his uncle and grandmother.

She was eye catching enough for him to notice her instantly.

Those teal blue eyes, those pretty eyebrows, those kissable pouty lips, that button tiny nose, that silk alike black hair, that perfect face.

He recognized it so well. There was no way he was imagining such things at his own wedding.

She was sitting there for real.

Her eyes locked with his jade green eyes. But this time, there was no sparkle of joy nor affection in her eyes as it used to be.

Her fierce gaze held hatred and disgust only.

"Vera Charlene.."

In the end, Zane murmured in disbelief. That's the woman he used for fun! That's his ex girlfriend!

What was she doing here?!

Ezra furrowed his brows slightly as soon as he noticed his nephew's surprised gaze on the woman.

What happened between these two? He commenced to question.

"It is my great honour and privilege to introduce to you! Let's welcome the beautiful bride!"

Breaking the silence, the emcee declared once again.

And the woman with her father walked down the aisle as the romantic music played behind.

"The bride looks so pretty"

People were amazed at the sight of the woman in wedding dress with her peach colored hair in a flower bun. She truly looked gorgeous.

No matter how much the beauty of Isabella Jones was praised, it failed to attract the four attention.

Vera maintained the eye contact with the groom as Ezra quietly made a conclusion from the side.

As for Diana, she gave no fuck about the bride due to hatred.

The ceremony continued.

But Zane's attention got lost. He could not focus at all. It confused Isabella Jones wholly.

Something was wrong with her husband. "You may now kiss the bride!" The priest announced.

Still failing to capture the man's attention. At last, Isabella pinched her husband to pull him back.

"Huh?" It was when Zane regained consciousness. He frowned.

"Kiss me right now"

In a low tone, Isabella ordered.

Leaning in as the man accepted. He had no other options but to kiss.

The scene of newlyweds sharing a kiss ached Vera's heart. This was getting on her nerves.

She should not be heartbroken by now in view of the fact that she was about to make that man regret.

She should be delighted.

Yes. She should be blissful.

And so the crowd applauded loudly enough. "Let me introduce you to them" Out of the blue, Ezra stated.

Getting up from the seat while seizing the woman's wrist.

It stunned Vera who was observing the newlyweds greeting others.

"They will approach near to us. What's with the rush?" Along with a slight frown, Vera queried.

Staring up into the eyes of the man.

"We are leaving after this. I got an urgent meeting to attend in twenty minutes" In a low tone, Ezra informed. Perplexing the woman.

How did he get notified?!

She did not notice anyone stepping near to the man nor see him contacting someone on phone!

"Alright. Let's get back then! Your job is way more important than my introduction. Let's go"

Strangely enough, Vera asserted.

Holding the man's hand firmly to leave from the place.

Diana was not there anymore due to the reason of her health. She had returned back already.

"Wait" Ezra ceased the woman. His gaze landed at the back of hers.

Causing Vera to turn around in curiosity. And she froze at the spot.

"Uncle. Are you trying to leave without greeting us?" With a frown, Isabella asked.

"I have an urgent meeting to attend" Truthfully, Ezra disclosed.

Causing Isabella to pout.

On the other side, Zane and Vera stared into each other's eyes deeply.

One held hatred in her gaze while one had disbelief in his gaze.

"Oh! I noticed you brought a woman, Uncle. Who is she?" Out of curiosity, Isabella Jones questioned.

Now, all eyes focused on Vera.

"Well, let me introduce her"

Under his breath, Ezra stated with a calm expression. But his actions surprised the three entirely after.

In a blink, he wrapped his hand around the woman's waist firmly.

Pulling Vera near to his body as she flinched in shock at the sudden situation. What was this?!

He could wrap his arm around her waist only and introduce commonly. He did not need to pull her near to him this much without notifying!

"She is my wife, Vera Charlene"

Ezra affirmed.

It was the moment silence covered.