I still can't read your mind


Ezra approached along with a frown across his face. "Shit.." And it was when Vera mumbled.

Did he hear the conversation? No, he could not hear anything.

Things could not be ruined. She had many to accomplish. "Uncle, she is-"

Zane commenced to complain. Yet, Vera interrupted in panic. "He was attempting to talk, love"

She flashed a smile.

"Did he need to raise his hand at you?" Ezra raised his right brow.

"Uncle, listen. She used to be my-" Once again, Zane attempted to detail the situation.

But of course, Vera would never let it occur. Never in her life.

"Please be quiet, my dear. I am trying to help you. You don't have to concern I might expose you"

The dirty trick she used.

Upsetting Zane Kingston entirely.

Take a look at her wicked scheme! She played really well here.

"Don't pick on her just because you think you can. She is not someone you should disrespect as you wish"

Wrapping his arm around Vera's waist, Ezra alerted his nephew.

It brought a grin upon Vera's face.

What a satisfying situation.

"Uncle, you might think she is pure and has spotless background. But I may have to warn you about her"

Zane voiced. Startling Vera a bit. No, he could not speak up the truth. He could not ruin everything.

He had no right to!

"Warn about what, my dear? Are you perhaps going to tell how I am not a good match for him? Or maybe something you made up of just to separate us? What could it be?"

With her brows wrinkled, Vera asked in curiosity. Irritating Zane wholly.

She kept interrupting.

She must be petrified that he might reveal the bitter truth to his uncle.

"You seem scared, Vera Charlene. Do you have anything hidden from my uncle perhaps?"

Zane questioned back.

"Enough is enough. I am not here to listen to you disrespecting my wife"

Beneath a cold gaze, Ezra broke the heated chat between the two.

"You should reconsider about your actions towards her, Zane Kingston. I am not going to let you continue that behavior towards her in future"

He added up.

Showing the authority he held upon his nephew as Vera pressed her lips tightly to restrain laughter.

What a sight truly! Look at Zane Kingston clenching his jaw so hard.

The view of his face reddening in exasperation satisfied her in every way. She relished this moment.

"Congrats. May you have a happy married life. Excuse us"

Without waiting for his nephew to speak up even, Ezra walked away with his wife in his arm.

"Did he lay hand on you?"

The man asked once they two walked away from the place.

"No, you arrived on time, my husband" Vera beamed.

She peered up at the man with that bright smile. Making eye contact.

And the silence covered. Ezra had no smile nor hint of relief reflecting in his gaze. He had a calm face on.

While Vera's beam was full with satisfaction and confidence.

Her teal blue eyes glinted.

The sight was exquisite. Words were not sufficient to describe.

"You got a pretty smile"

Slowly, Ezra's dark hazel eyes lit up.

The compliment was out of blue. Catching the woman off guard.

Her brows rose due to shock as she gulped. Did she hear it wrong?

Nope, her ears did not trip.

He actually said it.


In hurry, Vera cleared her throat to restrain her wild side.

"There is no one around us. You can drop the act, Mister Ezra Kingston"

Pushing the arm of the man from her waist gently, Vera reminded with a smile and she patted his back.

"It was not-"

Ezra spoke up, yet got cut off by a yell from the back.

"Uncle! Wait! Where are you going?! It is not been that long since you have arrived!" A shout echoed.

Capturing the two attention.

The couple turned around, only to encounter Isabella Jones.

She rushed up near to the two as if hunting for the food in starvation.

Over the sight of her, Ezra pulled Vera near to him by seizing her wrist. Startling the woman.

But still, Vera managed to recover.

She linked her arm with the man's arm and put a beam on quickly.

"Why are you returning, uncle?"

Isabella Jones pouted to express disappointment obviously.

Annoying Vera somehow though.

"I am exhausted already actually. I hope you don't mind of my absence and my wife at this dinner party"

Ezra pushed blame on himself.

Instead of saying the truth, he acted as if he was the one who got tired.

Well, it was accurate though. He actually was exhausted.

"Come on! I even prepared some events for you, uncle. Why do you have to return earlier than others?"

Isabella whined.

"My husband does not stay up late usually. He gets tired by a mere event even. I am certain you can understand his absence"

At last, Vera stepped into the chat. She defended the man.

Behaving as a real wife to clear the situation before things got pulled.

Once the woman spoke up, Isabella Jones peered at her with calm gaze.

"You seem to know him well, Aunty"

She flashed a beam.

"Of course! We are a married couple so it is only natural that I know him well. He is my husband after all"

Holding the man's arm firmly, Vera responded with a grin.

The way she confidently affirmed, attracted Ezra's attention.

He stared down at her in silence.

She acted effortlessly and said those words like it's nothing.

"You are so lucky to have a wife like her, uncle. She cares about you deeply and even speaks up for you"

Isabella complimented. "I wish to become her one day as well"

She disclosed with a grin.

Although it sounded simple to hear at first, the words were filled with misleading meanings.

One, she actually meant she would like to be a good praiseworthy wife like Vera to Zane Kingston.

Two, she wanted to be Vera and become Ezra Kingston's wife.

Between them, no one could get which she meant the words with.

"Zane loves you. Whatever you do, he will see you as the best wife, the perfect woman in this world"

Vera replied.

Every word, she meant it truly.

Zane Kingston left her without hesitating just to marry this woman.

Of course, Vera could say how much he cherished Isabella Jones.

"Ahaha, I am still trying to be the best wife" Isabella humbled herself. "Then keep attempting. Excuse us"

Unexpected response came up.

Shocking the two women entirely. Ezra sounded as if he did not care.

He just turned around to leave after he finished saying what he needed to. "So I am not perfect enough?!"

Once the man walked away, Isabella shouted from behind.

Her tone was trembling.

It was as if she was surprised over the fact that the man could say like this ruthlessly without hesitating.

"You said it yourself first" Turning his head, Ezra retorted.

Did he say something wrong? No.

She was the one who kept pushing the guilt, making it seemed she was not sufficient to be a good wife.

Although, Vera tried to encourage her by saying such words, she did not stop and continued even.

At last, Ezra could not handle it.

He straight up stated just like how she described herself.

Now, she was upset. Only because he agreed to the words. "Honey.."

Vera muttered with a frown. "Don't get fooled. Some women purposely say things like that to gain praise back. She is one of them"

Maintaining the cold gaze, Ezra affirmed. He headed to the car.

While the woman held his arm still.

She did not speak any further more since he was accurate about this.

Thank goodness, she did not need to act like a soft-hearted woman.

This man was already aware of the situation which relieved her wholly. "Now, you can read people well"

Vera smiled in amusement.

Getting inside the car as the man settled down beside her.

"It is not a difficult matter" Ezra replied confidently. However, the confidence vanished after.

"But I still can't read your mind" With his intense gaze staring down into her teal blue eyes, Ezra admitted.

Only to tickle the woman.

A chuckle escaped between her lips as she patted the man's arm.

"Maybe I am unpredictable"

Along with a shrug, Vera responded.

And Ezra quieted down. He did not say anything and observed her.

Then he faced to front. Diving into the ocean of thoughts as usual.

"Is there any event we have to attend this week?" Breaking the silence, Vera questioned.

Peering at the man from the side.

"No. You can rest assured"

Ezra responded, looking back into the eyes of the woman.

"If so, I would like to return back to work and stay at my house"

Vera spoke up. Not even asking for permit. She just straight up stated.

"Who is allowing you to?" Ezra queried back as he lifted his right brow. Hushing down the woman.

He looked calm and collected, but his words sounded irritated.

This man clearly meant she needed permission from him to step out.

"I do not need permit"

Vera retorted.

Her gaze was full with courage. Not showing any kind of terror.

"There is an event to attend. You can't return" Hearing the response, Ezra informed all of sudden.

Confusing the woman totally. He literally just said there was none!

He even told her she could rest assured. Now, there was an event?!

"Mister Ezra Kingston, did someone notify you or did you recall it now?"

Vera threw a query.

Yet, the man did not give answer.

"It is not something special. But you cannot return back. Stick with me"

Ezra apprised. "What is the event? Dinner? Lunch? Opening ceremony? Or maybe gathering?"

In puzzlement, Vera questioned out of curiosity. "I will tell you later"

The man dodged the query.

Hushing down the woman entirely. What was his problem?

He was refusing hard to say what event that was. And said it was not special either. What was the point of her staying if so then?

Wasn't it better for her to return home at least for a week?

"Why are you being so secretive?"

Rolling her eyes, Vera mumbled in vexation while the man said nothing back. "Excuse me, Mistress"

When they arrived, the guard came to unlock the car door for the two.

"Thanks" And Vera stepped out after expressing gratitude.

Ezra followed from behind later.

"Go get changed and rest already. I will be there in an hour"

Ezra patted the head of the woman to put on an act in front of the other men and the maids around.

"Got it! Will be waiting for you, love"

Not letting the man press efforts only, Vera played along quickly.

She beamed and walked in after. Knowing damn well he was acting.

There was no way Ezra would actually appear to sleep with her. He either sleep on lounge or work.

He had been like that always.

Vera believed Ezra would not get into same bed as her although he told her to first in the contract.

But her belief was crushed that night. Ezra actually walked into the room to spend the night with her.

"I got you waffles"

Ezra informed with a plate in his hand. Staring at the woman who was in the bed with widened eyes.