As long as my wife is happy

"Where is your apartment?"

With eyes gleaming, Vera questioned the boy. They had arrived.

The fancy apartment where the woman never thought this boy would be at.

"I own this entire building. You can go in and out as you please" Aspen responded. Stunning the woman.

"How much do they pay you as bartender?" Vera furrowed her brows. "Quite a lot"

The boy shrugged.

And the woman nodded with amusement. It seemed bartender job got paid more than her civil engineer job.

They two stepped into the room on third floor as the boy's lead.

As the door unlocked, Vera fell into pool of shock. He hung the guns and rifles on the wall along with swords.

This floor appeared to be the storage room for weapons.

"You really need to tell me what you actually work as, Aspen. This isn't common"

Vera stated beneath a scowl.

Her eyes followed the boy who walked inside without answering her query.