"Doc. Its time." Grayson said,nudging his comrade,who calmly wakes. He clears his throat,"Right,While you were asleep i decided to whip something up. Come on." Doc said,getting up before too long and leading Grayson down to the lab again.
He was handed a compound bow,"A bow? Won't we need explosives or some kind of armor piercing?" Grayson asked. The bow looks to have been modified from a standard compound bow,with a few extra strings,and from the looks of it,extra gears to assist with power.
"That is no common compound bow,my friend. That is a robot killer,capable of making swiss cheese of light and medium armor with field point arrows,and as a bonus,those arrows come with a transponder that links to a radar locator on the bow. You only have about 10 marked shots to work with." Doc said as he hands off a quiver of arrows to Grayson.
"Any word from the next safehouse?" Grayson asks as he slips the bow and arrows on for simple storage.
"None. Last I checked in,they were under attack,while trying to take in refugees from the warfront." Doc said.
"Have anything else I can make use of?" Grayson asked.
"Not right now. I'd recommend you stay out of the moonlight tonight if you want even a remote shot at getting close. The Bots will be bound to be vigilant with the extra visibility." Doc warns.
Grayson nods,and heads out through the backdoor. From hereon out,without any kind of radio,Grayson was on his own.
He keeps to the shadows of the trenches,inching his way closer. The remaining surface streets above were clear,it seemed,until deep thumps began to shake the ground. Grayson takes cover,to witness a large Abrahms T1 type tank with legs start to rumble through,with a variety of TechnoMarines and Robodogs underfoot..
As Grayson watched the group pass like a freight train,identical tanks were rumbling through as well,accompanied by continuously heavier units,all seeming to operate in a random search pattern as some battlegroups turned down onto other streets,or kept their gait ahead.
"Ohhhhh shit...." Grayson mutters,watching it all pass.
As soon as it seemed the Robotic enemy had vacated,Grayson vaults over his cover and scrambles across the suburban intersection,and into the next line of trench. The shadows were in his favor,allowing him to finally get the school into view. Robots infested every last inch of the property. Grayson moves into an abandoned home that had a clearer view.
There were no prisoners,but the parking lot and front field had a variety of freight crates and vehicles,including the tank he saw earlier. Many of the units were idle,or were patrolling the perimeter,all of the units accompanied by a Router drone that seemed to regularly lap the premesis,turning night to day with a powerful spotlight.
"Any place THAT fortified has to have a functional computer. Ahh....I won't be able to get close enough with that Router coming through." He mutters. The house was short of ransacked,but he began to scavenge quietly. All he could manage was climbing rope,and a mountain hook from the bedroom closet.
Grayson puts them in his survival bag for now,and returns to the window to peer out.
"If I can make a slingshot,i could probably deal with the lights. It's a substantially larger risk dealing with the Router,though." Grayson mutters softly.
Grayson starts scavenging the nearby backyards and ransacked homes to procure a slingshot. Almost one street down from his start point,he was now somewhere along the side of the school,searching another home and locating a professional type slingshot.
It wasn't in the best of condition,seeming to have been left outside. The rubber was thankfully intact and still ready to go,but the best Grayson imagined this slingshot could manage was maybe one or two well placed shots. Unlike the average person,who could be killed with a well placed shot,Robots required more precise and powerful attacks.
With finding the slingshot Grayson gets to work figuring out how to get into the school. After a few narrowly discovered laps around the school,Grayson found it weakest at the rear,where only two spotlights were staring out onto the recess yard.
After taking them out,with the slingshot,he approaches the back door to find it chained shut. "Shit..." Grayson whispered.
Then,a lightbulb idea popped into his mind. Using an arrow,he grabs a rope mount for his arrows end,once attached to an end of the coil of rope,Grayson attempted to attach the climbing hook to the other end to be firmly tied into place. "I really hope this works." Grayson mutters as he winds back the arrow until the bow locked into place. He aims for a third story window,and fires. With rope streaming behind the arrow soars through the air and crashes into a classroom,catching hold of a desk and making the rope feel secure. After a few tugs,Grayson begins climbing,attaching the free end to himself to catch his fall and hide his presence. Robots rounded the
corner under Grayson about halfway up. In the classroom,the student desk was beginning to slowly move and turn with the extra weight,making the hook begin to precariously lose grip.
All of a sudden the rope began descending quickly earning a gasp and quiet panic. The Hook ended up catching on another desk,closer to the window this time,pulling the furniture into a hard lean against the wall.
He was dangling mere inches over the patrol as they shared some kind of conversation. Slowly,and quietly he climbs the rope and reaches the top without much delay. As he climbs through the window he allows the rope to go slack,letting the desk it was hooked with to settle. "Now...If I were an individually powered government computer,where would i be..?" Grayson ponders quietly as he peeks out into an eerily dark hallway that was empty.
Something didn't settle right....it felt as if he were being watched...