Chapter three

                         Adria age fifteen

"Where are you off to?" I ask lee when he comes out of the bathroom. dressed in his fancy jeans and grey top.


I put down my math book and move forward until I'm sitting on the edge of the bed,

"Can I come?"

He doesn't answer me straight away instead he grabs his phone and looks doesn't the screen and starts typing. You Dont get phone signal down here so What is he doing?


He flicks his eyes from the phone to me before looking back down,

"Adria, I need to meet someone and you will be bored just wait here and I won't be gone for that long."

His tone is brushing me the wrong way and for a minute I think I've done something wrong, but then decided against that, I've not done anything to lee.

"I want to go,"

I stand up and move until I'm in front of him, after another few punches with his fingers he pockets the phone and looks at me.

"No, stay here, " he goes to move past me but I sidestep blocking his way.

"No, I want to go with you,"

I use my puppy eyes that I know lee can't say no to, " pweeseee," I beg and pout out my lip.

He runs his hand up and down his face thinking of more excuses but I pout harder.

"Oh Jesus, fine you can come just, stop looking at me like that."

I smile and blow him a kiss before going to my drawers and grabbing clothes, lifting my black jeans and white top I quickly pick up my black jacket and head into the bathroom to get dressed.

"Five minutes Adria,"

Rolling my eyes at him I start to strip and get myself in the mood to have some fun.

"Come on lee," I whisper to myself ringing his phone for the seventh time, it goes straight to voicemail and I decide to leave him a message.

"Lee, where are you? I've been looking for you for half an hour if you not here in ten minutes I'm coming to look for you,again." I hang up and blow out a breath of fresh air.

With nothing to do but wait for him, I move and plop my butt on the bench that sits over the park.

Why not just tell me he was going to be longer, I would have done something else than wait like a weirdo while my best friend gets lucky.

Yeah, no thanks.

The past year lee has been going out more and more and since I don't like to be alone I tag along sometimes, but he promised he wouldn't be long tonight. We were at a party but I quickly lost him and after an hour of looking I gave up and came to the center of the town to see if maybe he came back out here. But he didn't.

I've dragged out my thoughts when loud noises from motorcycles drive around the corner, their engines echoing off the night building.

Panic slowly works its way up knowing I'm alone and exposed with no one around me.

Again,thanks lee.

There are five bikersj and all of them are wearing helmets, well that sucks if I get kidnapped no one will see be able to identify them.

When they round the corner and drive to go past, I pray they pay no attention to me and keep driving. They drive by and it seems like my prayer works but the guy on the bike in the middle of them turns his head straight at me catching me off guard.

I flinch and turn my head quickly facing the opposite direction from them, I try to calm my breathing and decide I'm best off making a run for it and go to find lee. I'm weighing my options in my head when I hear someone shout.

"Stop."  the bikes halt and my heart starts pounding so fast it's going to come out of my chest.

Okay, decision made.

Jumping off the bench I start walking forward away from them, not turning to look back, I get maybe six steps ahead when someone shouts out again.


I come to a halt and turn back around recognizing the voice. Standing at the bench I was sitting on is Jensen, his helmets off and the moonlights casting a glow on his face making his eyes shine brighter.

Looking him up and down I notice he's in full biker gear making him look bigger than he is.

"Jensen, " I say and start to walk to him. "What are you doing here?"

I keep walking to him closing the distance until I've are a few feet apart.

"Just out a ride with my friends," he looks back and points to the rest of the guys, " I saw you sitting here, what are you doing out here at this time of night kid?" He turns back to me and crosses his arms.

"First," I say holding up a finger, " I'm waiting for someone, and second, " holding up another one, "I'm not a kid."

He looks at me unimpressed before rolling his eyes, "You are a kid, and beside it's dangerous walking around here this time for anyone never mind a kid, " he says grinning, deliberately saying the word kid slowly.

I glare at him and fold my arms,

"Why thank you for your advice, I'm sure I'll remember for next time,"

He ignores my sarcasm and looks around us,

"How long is your friend going to be,"

I let out a sigh, dropping my arms to my side and answer him,

"I Don't know, he was meant to meet this friend a few hours ago and I'm assuming he's lost track of time."

"Mmm," he takes a step closer, "You seem worried?"

"Yeah kind of, I don't know, it's taking him so long he's never been this long before."

He nods his head and I see him thinking before his eyes drift back to mine, "I think he's going to be a while kid. "

I don't answer him just let out a loud sigh.

"Hey, want to meet my friends?" he asks pointing at the men who are on the bikes.

I wearily eye the group of bikers not sure about that idea,

"No I'm fine he shouldn't be much longer," I can't help but say trying to hide how nervous I am.

"Hey," he steps forward seeing through my mockery straight away. He comes to stand in front of me and I have to tilt my head up to look at him, "I promise you will be fine, you trust me don't you?"

His voice has lowered and his eyes are holding mine captive, maybe it's the way he says it, or maybe I'm just looking for a death wish but I find myself nodding at him.

He smiles wide and leans in catching my hand,

"Come on kid,"

He pulls me with him and heads over towards everybody who's staring at me, I blush under their gaze not liking the attention and grip Jensen's hand harder. He squeezes back and pulls me to his side, when we reach his empty bike in the middle he straddles it still not letting my hand go.

All at once, they take off their helmets and I'm greeted with genuine smiles, "Guys this is Adria,"

"Adria, these are my friends,"

"Hey, " they all say to me one by one.

"Hello, " I say quietly back to them not sure what else to do. The guy at the front pulls out a packet of cigarettes before lighting one.

"Hi Adria, I'm Sam."

He's around the same age as Jensen I would imagine, with chestnut hair and a clean shave face but he looks like he belongs in high school.

"Nice to meet you, Sam, " He smiles at me and I relax a little,

"How old are you, kid,"

"Fifteen", I say truthfully, no point in lying Jensen knows my age

He holds my gaze as he inhales a draw of the cigarette, his eyes flick to Jensen's and a ghost of a smile appears before he flicks the butt sway.

"Shes jailbait bro," I look between the two of them not understanding what sam is talking about,

"Fuck off Sam," Jensen says throwing something at him that but he dodges effortlessly.

"Just saying, " he looks back over to me and crosses her arms.

"So jb, whos got you sitting out in the dark at two am."

"She's waiting for her friend who was supposed to meet her, but he met up with a girl a few hours ago and she thinks he's lost track of time," Jensen answers for me.

Sam nods his head understanding a smirk on his lips and a few of the guy's chuckle. I roll my eyes at that.

"I'm not stupid you know, I know what he's doing or I  should say who he's doing, but I don't want to go home without him."

Sams's eyebrows furrow at me but it's Jensen who's speaks." You live with your friend?"

I pause wondering how much I should say, he notices me hesitating but doesn't comment on it.

"Something like that, " I reply vaguely.

"Your parents okay, with that?" jumps in Sam.

"Well.." I clear my throat not liking all the questions in being asked. "Its complicated, " I finally go with.

Sam gives me a questionable look noticing what I'm doing but again Jensen is the one who speaks up.

"She's the one who found me last year remember?"he says to his friends. Sams still looking at me when Jensen says that and something clicks in his eyes.

"Have we met before jb?" Sam blurts out.

I frown at him searching his face for any Recognition but come up blank.

I shake my head "No, sorry I've never seen you before."

He holds my eyes

"Huh," he rubs his chin not believing me for a second.

"Do you want a lift home?" Jensen asks me grabbing my attention off of Sam. I reluctantly pull my eyes and turn to Jensen. I open my mouth to decline however, sam interups again.

"Are you sure we've never met?"

"Jesus Christ sam, leave the kid alone." Comes from Jensen rolling his eyes before there back on mine.

"Do you want us to take you home or we can wait with you until your friend comes back."

"Oh," I think of excuses to come up with, "That's kind of you but I'll be fine,"

Jensen watches me and I fidget under his stare, I might like Jensen but I'm not about to have him know where I live, plus Lee would kill me if I ever exposed our den.

"Okay, how about this, we stay here with you then until he comes back?"

"Okay, hold on."

Tugging my hand away from Jensens I pull out my phone and ring lee again, my phone is broken and you have to put it on the speaker to hear anyone.

When it rings out, I think it's going to voicemail again but lee answers.

"Hello," right away I can hear the music thumping indicating he's at a party somewhere.

"Where are you?" I hiss out turning my back on Jensen and his friends.

"Chill Adria, I'm with..., what's your name again sweetheart?" I hear him ask whoever he is with and I roll my eyes.

"I'm with candy,"

"I couldn't give a shit if you're with ice cream, I want to go home lee."

"Adria, I'm busy can you give me an hour?"

"You said that four hours ago it's two am and I'm outside in the street by myself-"

"Oh fuck sake, Adria! I'm busy go home by yourself I can't hold your hand all the time for you, you know the way now leave me alone and I'll see you later!"

He hangs up after yelling at me and I just stand there looking down at my phone, tears well up in my eyes and I try hard not to let them fall.

I can't believe he just shouted at me and told me to go home alone, He must have been drunk his words were slurred and he's never been angry at me. Taking a deep breath I blow it out thinking of how I will have to walk home in the dark.

By myself.

All some.

Yep, that's fine.


Making sure the tears are away I turn around and come back to face with six pairs of sympathetic eyes, trying not to falter under their stairs, and knowing they heard the conversation I just keep my eyes on Jensen.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm just going to walk home,"

With an unimpressed expression, Jensen shakes his head.

"No, hop on I will take you home,"

Now it's me who shakes my head and steps back.

"I Don't live far from here, I can walk back-"

"Adria it's after two am, I'm not letting you walk home in the dark-"

"My mum and dad would kill me if I came on a bike to their house-"

"I'll drop you off around the corner, stop worrying it will be fine."

I close my mouth running out of lies and excuses to come up with, it's miles from the den and I feel drained after the conversion with lee.

Jensen gets off the bike and comes to stand right in front of me, shaking his head, Jensen gives my nose a small flick.

"Stop worrying kid, or you will end up with wrinkles like me,"

A small laugh escapes me making me feel a little better about the situation, finally giving in I nod my head agreeing.

"Good girl, " he says and I have to look away blushing. God get a grip Adria.

He laughs as he lifts his helmet and puts it over my head, fasting the straps until he's satisfied he takes my hand and pulls me to his bike.

He gets on first and pushes himself forward leaving room for me to sit behind him, with a tug of my hand he pulls me until I throw my leg over the side of the seat straddling it.

I'm not sure what to do next but Jensen takes control, letting go of my hand and grabbing my arms pulling me until I'm flush with his back, my arms wrapped around his midsection tight.

"Where do you live?"

"Maverick lane,"

He shouts it out to his friends and they all start their bikes and wave goodbye before driving off leaving just me and Jensen.

He starts the bike and raves the engine making me move closer and clutch him tighter.

"Just hold me like that and you will be fine kid,"

"I'm not a-"

He speeds off before I get to finish.

Closing my eyes I let out a squeal and bury my head in his back, I feel him shake with laughter, probably from the girly scream that just escaped.

I feel the wind whip around me, and my heart beating so fast but not out of fear.

Out of excitement.

I've never been on a bike before and glimpsing at the streets fading as we accelerate by makes me feel...content.

I hold onto him and begin to relax a little enjoying the feeling of the adrenaline that's pumping through me. With a twist of my neck, I holler out to Jensen.

"This is so cool,"

All too soon though we are in the lane that's straight across from the forest,  pulling up at the curb he turns off the bike and I slowly get off.

Jensen follows and when I try to undo the straps he slaps my hands playfully away and begins to loosen them.

"That was fun," I tell him, those deep dark blue eyes flick to mine and a smile spreads over his face.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, next time I will go faster,"

A giggle escapes me and I feel like cringing,

He unfastens the straps and pulls the helmet off,  "They're much better,"

Again my face goes red and I have to look away from him but Jensen surprises me and his fingers gently touch my chin bringing my eyes back up to his.

"That's three times in a year I've bumped randomly into you," I don't know where he's going with this so I don't say anything, "I don't believe In coincidences, kid." He lets out a breath, before continuing. "I made a snap decision to go for a ride tonight because I have this problem and I can't figure out what to do about it, so to clear my head I came out with my buddies and I kept asking myself how will I fix this." I can't look away wondering where this story goes, he's not moved and his fingers still rest on my chin.

"Then, I round the corner, and sitting alone in the dark on a bench with no one around is you. I meant what I said about not believing in coincidences Adria, but I think you were placed in my path for a reason." I Don't know what to say to him after that so I just stay silent.

He holds my eyes for another moment before he lets me go and steps back.

"I know I probably sound crazy but I want to be your friend, " He takes out his phone and holds it out to me, " give me your number, Adria"

I Don't even question him I just take the phone and input my number I have stored in memory into his phone.

"You Don't sound crazy you know, I've thought about you to and I want to be your friend I mean, I did have to rescue you."

He takes the phone off me a small grin appearing making him look even more handsome and the butterflies in my belly go wild.

"I suppose you did, I'm going to put you under as my knight in shining armor,"

I tsk at him "Well in that case you're going under as my damsel in distress."

We both laugh and I look up facing into the dark woods that I call home, as soon as Jensen leaves I'll dart through and make it home in just over an hour. Getting ready to leave I decide to go on a hunch and ask him a question.

"What's your problem that you need to fix?"

He eyes me and I think he's not going to say but again he surprises me by talking.

"There's this guy, and he has something that belongs to me and I want it back. But I can't get near him to get it."

"What is it you need?" I ask my curiosity getting the best of me.

"On his phone, he has a password for a storage unit downtown, in the unit he's got my computer he stole out my dad's house last week."

I nod my head and bit my lip thinking if I should offer to help, he did give me a ride and I'm happy he was there because I wouldn't want to walk that road alone. Lee will be upset but I'm not too happy with him either right now.

"Jensen I can help you, " I say deciding to go with my instincts,

He looks over at me stunned and it takes him a few tries before he gets the word out, "really?"

"Yes, whenever your free just text me where to meet you and I'll help,"

When he doesn't answer me but instead just keeps watching I clear my throat and take a step back.

"I need to get going, "

He clears is his throat and nods his head before stepping back to the bike.

"Yeah, okay I will talk to the guys and text you tomorrow,"

He throws his leg over and gets onto his seat, he switches it on and raves it the noise screaming down the dark quiet road. Putting on the same helmet I used he straps it on before turning and taking one last look at me.

"See ya, kid,

With a flick of the wrist, he takes off down leaving me standing watching after him.