Chapter Five

Yue Yue sat in her office going through some files. On her table stood a small placard made of glass and the word director Chen Mu Yue was written on it. She dropped the file she just signed and traced her lean beautiful fingers on the placard.

She knew that this was a farce, one she would wake up one day never to see again. In truth, Yue Yue loved working for Chen company, that was why she put everything she has when working. But she has told herself time after time never to entangle herself too much in what she is doing or she would be hurt when it was time for her step down.

She sighed and picked up another file. It was just a matter of years before she hands everything back to the rightful owner. She couldn't help but wonder, when that time comes what would be of her. She doesn't like a life without plan, so she needed to make plans for herself. If she eventually hands over the company, her father would be reluctant to keep her and thus would like to sell her to any available buyer. It was true that she doubted if love ever exists, but she doesn't want to be married to just anyone. It was only but a dream, but at times she couldn't help but think what would it be like if she married someone she loved even if she wasn't loved back.

Now she still had the chance, she wanted to set up a foothold for herself. She was still young to think of marriage. She needed something to call her own and she needed to make plans for it. If she leaves Chen company, she needed a source of living hood. She doesn't want to depend on her father at that time.

After signing the papers that needed to be signed, she stood up, picked up her notepad and headed to the conference room. It was going to be a long day. Those old people will as usual try to manipulate her into agreeing to every word they say and her father would not be bothered to help her. She was as usual ready to face them.

Passing her personal assistant and secretary, she gave them orders to carry out. When she got to the conference room, one of her father's personal guard opened the door for her and she entered confidently.

Soon the meeting started after the reason for it has been read out. It was a new project that they wanted to invest in, but lacked enough funds. There was already projects under development that they were investing in, most of the company funds where deposited there. If carefully executed, one of the projects would generate millions of Yuan for them. This second project even if not as lucrative as the former would still be able to generate income yearly. The problem was the fund to be used. That was why the board meeting was called.

The first to speak up was the company lawyer Mr Tang Yuan. He suggested that they quit the hospital project that they were about to invest in and rather invest in the new project. Yue Yue was really against such opinion.

'' Mr Tang, are you suggesting we forsake the people and focus solely on our own gain'', Yue Yue asked feeling that the suggestion was not worth it.

'' Director Chen that is not what am trying to say, am only making a suggestion, its left for the board to decide''.

'' Have you forgotten that most of the labours we do are done by those people, and in exchange of their labour we have agreed to build a hospital to take care of their health. Even though Chen Company can do more than this, we know that their health matters more than anything. And what more. The hospital is still able to generate income not only from the supply by the government, but by other people using it. Only the labour union workers will not be charged once that hospital stand, but anybody outside the labour union and their family would be charged normally. You are a lawyer, should you not put the people first?''.

Mr Tang was at lost on how to reply. The room was silent for some time before Chen Ting spoke up.

'' Director Chen is right. Once that hospital is completed, not only are we going to be praised by our foresight and kind hearted ness, we will also be generating income from it. So the hospital is ruled out''.

'' What about the resort in Japan'', the manager for work revenue spoke. He was Chen Ting's immediate elder brother Chen Mang.

'' That resort has been barely used and have almost been forgotten about. Don't you think that it should be sold out. A group has shown interest in buying it lately'', he concluded and waited for reaction.

'' Mr Chen Mang is right'', Mr Luo Jing the manager of finance department spoke up.

'' From the research made, the buyers are eager to offer more that what was spent in building the place. If looked at well. If the resort is sold for the project, the income generated from it would be more than the income it generates as a resort'', Mr Chen Mang said.

Mu Yue went through her notepad pretending not to hear what they were saying. In truth, she was going through financial report of the resort. It was true that as of now, the resort was not doing so well. But from the financial report, it was showing signs of improvement. And if her prediction was right, before a few years it would generate more income that the project they were planning to imbark on. From her research, the area where the resort was built was always in use especially by travellers. And it was the only resort in that area but the problem was that only few people know of it and not only that, the person in charge of the resort has not been performing up to par. There was issue with the workers and money was always missing. She knew that some of the managers were involved in this fraud, but she was not ready to dig them out.

She was still going through the financial report when a question was thrown at her.

'' What do you think director Chen'', her father asked.

This have always been a way her father tested her. To know her decision and it only happens with things related to her. That resort was her fortress a gift on her sixth birthday which wasn't a gift. She had spent most of her time there during the holidays till she finally finished elementary school. But the truth was she never for once grew an attachment to the place. If that had happened, her judgment would be biased. Her father knew of this that was why he wanted to test her. Not only that, her uncle knew of this too, that was why he mentioned the place in the first place. He wanted to see her make a fool of herself. But she wasn't going to give them what they wanted.

'' I would have agreed to what Manager Chen Mang said if I had been listening'', she replied.

'' Does that mean you never paid attention'', Manager Chen Mang asked surprised.

'' I never said that. Well the chairman asked for my opinion so I will be frank. As I said I would have been in full support of manager Mang if I had listened to him''.

Chen Ting was surprised by the reply. As a young growing girl, he was expecting her to out rightly reject the idea without proper reason. He figured out that he doesn't actually know his daughter.

'' What made you to reject then'', he knew the meaning of her sentence so he was curious to find the answer.

Yue Yue smiled. Her father was sure smart to have figured out in between her sentence.

'' The reason is that I haven't paid proper attention'', she replied still smiling. Most of the board members were confused, but those who understood were just watching the show unfold.

'' I just thought of something. What is the use of selling a good source of income and secondly, why didn't anybody do a research on the buyers''.

'' What do you mean'', Manager Luo asked.

'' Its just as I have said you should have done a background check on the buyers. Ralp group is an American group that was formerly known as Ralfdou. You all should do a background check on that name or better still check the ones I was able to dig out. Even if their crimes have been hidden by the change in name and everything, you still made such a mistake of trying to sell to them. Manager Mang are you trying to taint our good name that gave been built for ages. To the Chen company, our good name matters. What do you have to say Manager Mang ''. By now, all the board members were all looking at the past deed of Ralp group that Yue Yue had sent them, their faces were not looking good. Her father was the worst hit. He has always been proud of Chen company and to have the name tainted with illegal drug dealers was a hit to his ego. Yue Yue only used this method to get to her father and show him her lack of attachment to the resort. Feeling satisfied without the out come of her plan, she smiled satisfactory looking st her father's brother to bail himself from his brother's wrath.

'' I.. Am'', Manager Mang was at lost on how to reply. But luckily Manager Luo came to his aid.

'' Fine the Ralp group is ruled out. What if well sell to another eligible buyer.'', Manager Luo asked as Manager Chen released a sigh of relief.

'' Do you have one in mind'', Yue Yue asked fiddling with her ball pen.

'' No not now, but we can work towards that'', Manager Luo replied confidently.

''It seem like you haven't been listening Manager Luo. Are we to sell something that is generating a good income for us?'' She sent the financial report and the research she made to their email.

'' That resort have been a good source of income, but thanks to the people in charge of it, we have been losing greatly. That financial report you are looking at is the real report of the resort. The ones we had before has been faked all along. The question is where does all the money go then. Not only that the workers need to be laid off for lack of performance. And I still wonder why after fifteen years only few people know of the resort. The Manager in charge of that resort has a lot to answer. So he should better prepare himself In the next meeting. We all should go back and think of ways to raise up fund. You can sell your expensive cars and houses if you can't come up with an idea in the next meeting.'' She smiled and turned to her father. '' Is there anything you wish to say chairman''. He didn't respond but rather looked at her. '' I guess the meeting is over then. Let's meet tomorrow when you people have come up with better option''.

She stood up and left the conference hall how she came leaving some speechless and some sweating. The person with the worst hit was Manager Luo. His aim for trying to sell the resort was to cover up all the fund embezzlement he had done. But who knew that Mu Yue would bring an end to his plan without batting an eyelid. So he was afraid.

Soon Chen Ting stood up and left and the managers started leaving one after the other.