A Rose for Emily

[This chapter is dedicated to Mtaisho97 for the nice comments that he/she has been leaving in my stories for the month of June and for being a silent reader who suddenly commented! Thank you so much for the support! I hope to continue reading your comments in the near future! :D]


Zhang Ren and Shu Xian already started their classes.

With Shu Xian and Zhang Ren continuing to encode more abstracts of the theses and dissertations that were forwarded to them so they can input it in the university's catalogue, both of them were actually quiet than usual.

It was already 3:30 in the afternoon. The moment their phone buzzed as it indicated them that it's Shu Xian who's going to have her break first, she broke the silence when she stretched, whispering to Zhang Ren.

"I will be having my break now. Do you want me to buy you some food so later you will already have food for your break?"