How Dare You Say That...

***Early update because it's Sunday, don't forget to read the author's note later at the end***

[This chapter is dedicated to Zeno98 for being a nice leaver of comments in my story this last month of June! Thank you so much for the support~! I hope to see more of your comments soon! ^^ Ti amo! Tanto tanto tanto tanto tantissimo! Mwah!]


Shu Xian didn't rush to the bathroom since she didn't want to be seen crying by the other girls if she came there. Instead, she rushed to the empty classroom near their room since she knew that this is a room not used to conduct lessons.

Shu Xian's tears ran freely from her eyes. With her taking deep breaths as she inhaled and exhaled, it finally gave her the moment to breathe, slightly calming herself down with her assumptions.