He couldn't stop wondering how Szeina was.
Yvann knew that if he was going to go home, he'd still be worrying about Szeina and her family.
The moment he turned his car around, he was already thinking of her and the forced smile she gave him before running towards the house.
His heart constricted at the thought that he left her without knowing if she was in good hands or if she was in grave danger.
The city lights danced in his vision.
Coming to a decision, Yvann found a U-turn and had himself driving back, heading towards Szeina's place.
In his head, he was hoping that she was alright, and that it wasn't too late. Whatever was going on, he hoped she was alive and well.
Stepping on the gas, the highway zoomed past. If he was to be caught for over speeding, Yvann could hardly care.
The speed of his heart was matching how fast his car was flying.
"Come on," he coaxed, adding more speed.
He couldn't reach her fast enough, and he was feeling a little frustrated about it.
Determination, adrenaline and his uneasiness had him reached the full speed of his car.
If his father was to find out about this, he would surely hear an earful from him.
He would, in no doubt, call him reckless and abusive.
For one week, he might lose the privilege of using his car.
But that was a consequence Yvann will think of later. Right now, he only had one goal in mind: make sure Szeina was alright.
Upon reaching his destination, the tires squealed at his sudden step on the brakes.
Mimicking Szeina's bolting out earlier, Yvann didn't hesitate to push the gate open and run towards the two-story house.
He was close to the front porch step when his eyes widened, his vision getting covered in a sudden whiteness as the enormous house exploded in front of him.
It didn't provide enough time for him to hide or run for cover.
Dust and small fragments of the cement walls rained down on Yvann.
He lost consciousness for a fraction of seconds. When he came to, he had to cough and brush off the white dust that covered his face.
Assessing his surroundings, the enormous mansion was no more. Only ruins from the explosion remained.
His heart suddenly constricted at the realization that hit him.
Standing in an open field was a fair maiden.
Her eyes shone like a stone sapphire.
The moon was full.
And she was not alone.
All the eyes of the beings that surrounded her shone too in different colors.
They were all admiring her.
All of them wanted her.
The night embraces her.
Screams and cries of hunger surrounded her.
They are all hungry, hungry for her attention.
She's too powerful, too beautiful.
The maiden's eyes sparked, her deep blue eyes with pleasure.
Jolting her awake, Szeina slowly opened her eyes. It occurred to her that the dream didn't stop at the screams part.
She expected to find herself in the same room and in the same house.
Contrary to the expectations she had in mind, Szeina found herself in an unfamiliar place, the events of last night slowly coming back to her.
She remembered the explosion. Granola explained that it was necessary that they would leave no trace behind. For who, she has yet to know.
Wooden furniture emitted an oak scent, teasing Szeina's nostrils. She could easily imagine being in a cabin. The rest of what went down after the explosion was a blur for her.
A soft knock on the door distracted her from imploring the room she was in, starting with the wooden floor to the wooden ceiling.
Granola poked her head and smiled upon seeing Szeina already wide awake.
"Good morning, love. Can I come in?"
Szeina nodded and watched Granola sit on the edge of the bed, reaching for her hands.
"How are you doing?"
"Given that I have no idea what that monstrous beast was from last night, I think it's safe to say that I'm partly alright."
"I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner. You and Neyandro."
"Yeah, you should have. Although, I don't know what you really mean. You did tell us we have some… abilities, as you called it."
Granola looked at Szeina, her eyebrows furrowed as she considered what she just said.
"Well, you are beyond normal, love. You and Neyandro both. After everything that you've been through, I doubt you wouldn't notice."
"Still, you should have told us. I'm pretty confused, in all honesty." Szeina insisted.
"I know. I'm sorry. We'll get to the part where you'll learn the truth about yourself and about us soon enough."
"How soon is soon? Besides, is Neyan alright?"
Granola gently placed a fallen hair behind her left ear.
"Yes, he is fine. Gratefully."
Szeina bit down on her lower lip. She stared at Granola's eccentric blue eyes. It almost matched her own. If only it had the same shade.
"I have no idea about your time frame. But could you at least tell me what that creature was last night?"
With a sigh, Granola pursed her lips.
"That was a hybrid. Something between a vampire and a werewolf, but with more than just their blood. Partly mortal as well, the transition got confused in the middle. It resulted in them having no face but red eyes and a horn. Their body is of a wolf, bulked and never has the chance to shift."
Szeina tried to absorb what Granola just said.
She didn't want to think how absurd it was. If she didn't encounter the beast herself, she might claim that Granola was sputtering out nothing but a myth.
Those were folktales.
They were inexistent.
Until last night, it seemed, those beings actually existed.
"What do you call them?"
"Rebels. That's what they named themselves to be. Although, soon, you'll learn that it's not only them we need to be wary of. There are other creatures of the night whom you wouldn't want to meet. Trust me."
Szeina didn't know what to say next. She has a lot of questions running inside her head. But she wasn't sure which of them needed to be answered first.
Trying to make sense of everything that was going on around her, Szeina slowly understood that she was no longer just a weird mortal having some ability.
She was something else entirely.