Sad Endings


Officer Von's office smelled faintly of lemon.

Szeina noticed the small air freshener attached to the air-conditioning of the meager office.

Stacks of folders with several sets of papers coming out of it were piled on top of his wooden desk.

Medals and certificates lined his walls while a lone photo frame stood beside his work computer.

It was facing the officer and Szeina couldn't make out who was in the photo or if it was even a picture of any human.

For all she could guess, it can be a photograph of his pet.

"Miss Clementine," Officer Von's deep voice addressed her after he was done talking to someone over the phone. He sat in his swivel chair.

He didn't offer a smile her way. His expression remained stoic, devoid of any emotion.

"Forgive me, Officer Von, I really can't help you with anything. I can't remember much from what happened."

Szeina stated, beating the Officer from asking his question.

"That is unfortunate, Miss Clementine. I was hoping that you and I can establish some form of partnership. I help you find your missing relatives while you aid me in catching the culprit."

'Szeina," she clarified. "Please call me Szeina."

Officer Von regarded her kindly.

"Szeina. It has a nice ring to it."

Szeina ignored his comment and went ahead to apologize once more.

"I'm really sorry. I wish I could help you."

Officer Von heaved out a sigh.

"Can I tell you something, Szeina? It's a rather confidential matter. I'd appreciate it if you keep this between the two of us."

Szeina looked at the officer. After what she had seen and partly learned from Granola, nothing seems to be surprising to her anymore.

Nodding, Szeina gave the officer her permission and promise to keep it a secret.

"You see, I have been investigating strange things in the past. A countless number of people would disappear and come back a few days later as a dead body. There's no logical findings as to how they died. But one thing stood out: the lack of blood. For some reason, these bodies have been drained of blood. Logically, if one was to think out of the box, you could draw a conclusion that this must the workings of a beast. One people used to call as vampire."

Officer Von paused. He looked at Szeina and waited if he had managed to gauge a reaction from her.

Szeina understood what the officer was trying to do. However, she played nonchalance and maintained the stoic expression on her face.

"Vampires are nothing but a myth. The person you're looking for might be a serial killer. He must find it fun and thrilling to drain his victims. I don't know what he plans to do with the blood. But, have you ever thought of that Officer Von?"

"In fact, I have. But, it doesn't make sense."

"So, putting the blame on a non-existent creature does?"

Szeina studied the officer. He took a deep breath and looked at Szeina in the eye.

"It's up to you what to believe, dear girl. But let me tell you one last thing. When you were brought to the hospital, the driver of the other car which collided with the vehicle you were in was found a few distances away from where the accident happened. He was dead and was drained of blood. Now the biggest question lies: why were you spared?"


Yvann's head perked up upon seeing Szeina come out from Officer Von's office. He was beginning to hate the sound of the typewriter.

She still has a bandage over her head. But, by some miracle, her legs were functional nonetheless.

Her recovery didn't take that long either. The doctor was awed, but concluded that it must be because of her healthy cells and tissues.

Meeting her halfway, Yvann smiled upon her approach.

"Everything good?" Szeina nodded.

He offered his arm towards her.

"Come on, I'll take you home,"

Szeina stopped short. The word home pricked her heart. She didn't want to think about it, but images of Granola, Neyandro and Queedor flashed in her mind's eye.

Only a few days ago, the four of them happily celebrated her birthday.

The future was full of uncertainties. What happened to them was part of the less pleasing uncertainties that could befall on anyone.

Not wanting to let Yvann see she was a little shaken up, Szeina faked a smile and accepted his offered arm.

Together, they walked out of the police station and proceed to join Yvann's father in his black BMW.

Once inside, he turned to Szeina and offered a polite smile.

"I believe I haven't fully introduced myself to you. I'm Alwreck Lorenzo, Yvann's father. My deepest condolences for your loss, Szeina."

Awed by not needing her assistance to pronounce her name, Szeina exchanged a polite small with Yvann's father.

It just then occurred to her that all this time, she had been talking and associating herself with the son of her school's owner.

If Yvann was like most of arrogant brats she knew, he would have had boasted that little detail to her and might have sent her to Principal Dawson after what happened between them on the first day.

With that realization, she realized how he even accepted a detention from Mrs. Avery.

"Thank you, Mr. Lorenzo."

Inclining his head, Alwreck Lorenzo shifted his focus on the road as the designated driver revved the engine to life.

Holding her hand, Yvann gave it a gentle squeeze. The pressure allowed her to think of something else other than the sorrow slowly creeping into her heart.

Szeina turned to him and smiled, squeezing his hand back.

"You'll be fine." He mouthed.

Szeina wanted to believe that.

She badly needed to believe in something to keep her going.

But, in all honesty, she was afraid of what her future holds now that neither Granola nor Neyandro and not even Queedor were there to guide her.

She lost the last remnants of the family she thought she'd be with forever.