Guild Leader

"So, the party was killed, and you finished off the boss? Then you touched the Core and got tossed out, bit this one on the neck, and then had a sleepover. Then after you snuggled, and came to see me?" Healia asked from across the table.

"Yes, you have already asked me this," I said with exasperation.

Healia was going around in circles, putting my questions off. I was starting to get annoyed, but Lesha put her hand on my arm, and then I automatically put my free hand on hers, smiling. Healia noticed this right away, like a snake sensing a mouse, her eye locked onto our hands.

"So you are a pair?! When did this happen? What was wrong with me?" Healia asked with a hurt look.

"ENOUGH! Can we please get to the point that I have been asking about?"

That was the moment when Guild Leader Gram came from a side room carrying a tray with papers and a closed ink bottle. The walking mothball set the tray down on the table and pulled a quill out of an undisclosed place on his body and then went over to sit beside Healia. She had a strange smile on her face, but she still waited until Gram was settled.

"We are putting you in charge of this guild, these papers will sign Hawk Vision over to you and you will become the Guild Leader. From there…"

"No," I said.

"What? No? You just asked me…"

"Make one of my brothers the leader, I have things to do!"

"Like what? Finding more girlfriends? Don't answer that! You can still galavant around and your brother can help you, but for now, your job is to stabilize these girls, and after you leave you will receive a Blessed Quest from me that will help you earn guild points. You will need these, along with many other things that we will go over later, but for now, I need you to sign the document, then we will go over how the guild works and why it has to be you, if you haven't already figured it out," Healia said pushing the paper at me.

I looked over at Lesha, and she was studying the paper, and then she started to smile, looking up at me.

"Kiada, I think this will be fun, and we will still have to go in the dungeons once a month for guild raids. This is good right? There is something about a point system that you get as the guild leader, but the rest is blurred out for me."

"That's because those are Guild Leader secrets, but you can go over them at anytime, they are just instructions on how to access the Guilds System. This is why you have to be the leader at least until this guild is fully built and you can take over the next one, and the next, finally controlling the city. After that, you will start expanding your influence, but you will have to defeat the other two dungeons here in the Tella nation. Then you must kill Giyadel and Dyster. After that is done we will plan for more, Kiada, you are my champion and all I need is for you to sign, and then a new life begins."

This was a mouthful and brain overload, so many things I would have to do, but this is what I wanted, to change how people kept getting fed into a meat grinder. I looked at Healia one last time, and then back to Lesha. She gave me a nod, but at this point, the decision had already been made for me.

I picked up the quill and then dipped the tip in the now open bottle, then I wrote my full name, Kiada Crest. I then picked up some sand and sprinkled it over my name to dry it. Dusting it off, I handed the sheet back to Healia, but she pushed it back to me.

"Seal it with a drop of your red stuff to activate the contract."

Fine, there was a small pin on the table, but I bit into my own hand letting the pain bring me back to focus. I didn't skink in far, just enough to get the blood to come to the surface. Then I took my finger and smeared it across the page, making the writing all light up in red.

Bands of empty red squares ran around my wrist about one by one centimeter wide. I looked at Healia, but she just smiled back and me, but then began to explain when I started to get an irritated look on my face.

"You will earn points from finding members and finding artifacts in the dungeons. The more artifacts a guild controls the more power the members have. The points you earn will allow you to upgrade the guild and guild your member's special minor abilities to help them out. To thwart the gods, we must work together. They believe the only way to win is to have everyone be killed, and the last god standing will be the winner. I believe there only has to be one god standing and not everyone has to die, does that sound reasonable to you?"

"How do I know this isn't all just some big elaborate game or trick?"

"What if it is? Does it really matter in the end? This isn't your game, we the gods were sent here as our final test was sent here to find out who is meant to ascend to Aihalla! I give you my word because I have nothing else, I am here to work with you."

"Fine, so I believe you, now what? I'm a guild leader, am I just going to sit and drink here all day?"

"If that's what you think is truly the best use of your time, then yes, sit down and get drunk with me together and I can feel you both up, or, you can go out and get the quest I told you about and get started on this. You won't be the only one with this power for long!"

This was not what I had expected, but that didn't mean that it was a bad thing. Guild Master Kiada, weird, but if I could help save more lives, then I would shine this place up!

"Fine, but we need a new name. Crimson Legion, that should make people want to join right?"

[Author here! Please vote if you like the book! helps me out more and I will release more chapters if we can get up there! Thank you in advance!]