Talks Of Days To Come

Whatever had been in was potent, but not sangria. I could taste some fruity taste, but it was mostly alcohol.

"What is this fowl and fruity blend?" I asked with a disgusted look plastered over my face.

"No clue, but after the second glass, the stuff starts to get better. Just don't start chugging it, haha! Mort drank too much and looked like death the next morning!" Rick laughed and then drained the rest of his cup.

"Yeah, stuff gets a little too smooth after the second cup, so watch out. I puked out purple lava, which was cool, so not all was a loss, haha!" Mort said, making both him and Rick start laughing.

The girls and I screwed up their faces, and then Liena hit both men with a ladle she had just been using to stir a pot of soup. Both of them let out yelps as Leina chased my brothers off.