Eartheneous and the beast in Colonel have awakened.
"Are you coming with us, or not?" Leo asks as the blasts continue loudly.
Will bit his lips. He can't let Felicity die just like her mother.
"I am coming with you!" He yells and everyone scrambles up to their feet and each one of them ran to the edge of the cave.
Aisha, holding fastly to the arm of Liam unconsciously and that makes Liam's face turn red with embarrassment.
The two teenagers are having their drama. Which is cute.
But shyness is what is erupting in the midst of them. Nothing more, nor less.
"Are you okay?" Liam asks quietly and in a charming and flattering way.
Aisha blushes profusely at the question being asked.
"I am. Thank you"
"I'll protect you" he whispers again and when Aisha looks up and into his eyes, he smiles gently and turn to face the surrounding in front of him.