Chapter 3

In the distance he saw a large mansion.

His face was all amazed "who's living in that house?"

Jinro touched his shoulder "huh? that is the hogo suru house!!"

He was surprised and shouted "Whaaaaaat??!!!"

One of the watcher of their mansion saw them. He shouted to the guard "heeey!! open the door our boss is here"

He was right at the front of the door when it slowly open. The light inside is so bright and it makes him dazzled so that he covered his eyes, when the door are fully open he heard lots of people talking and then they began to be silent. He removed his arm from his eyes when he saw all of the people in the mansion bowing to them. They said at once "welcome back boss!!"

Jinro smiled and he pointed at them "all right!! let's continue the party!!!"

Everyone in the mansion rejoiced. Others are singing, some are dancing and others are mingling with wine. After he saw all of them he felt so much joy inside him.

Julia whispered at Jinro's ear "Hey accompany and tour him around the mansion.

He saluted and shouted "yes madam"

Jinro held his hand "Hey kid! do you want to wander in the whole mansion?"

He sighed and he pout "dont call me kid, i have a name"

Jinro laughed and tapped his shoulder "let's go, Eu"

The joy returned to his face after he heard it and he hold Jinro's hand "uhm let's go"

"This is our living room" Jinro said

His face was all amazed "Woooow"

"This is our kitchen"


"This is our bathroom, but we have five bathroom inside the mansion"


"This is our meeting room, this is were we gather when we have something to talk about"


"This is our club, where when you are broken hearted you are free to drink all the wine here"

He was amazed as he salivated after he saw it "Woooooow, there are lots of wine"

Then suddenly Jinro strike on his snape.

His face was furious "what was that for!!?"

Jinro straight his posture "Julia said before, children are not allowed to drink"

His face is still angry "do i look like i'm drinking alcohol?"

"Then why are you drooling?" Jinro asked

"Hmmmm" he said while turning away

Jinro opens the door " do you know whose room is this?"

He was confused "huh? to whom?"

Jinro starts to giggle "Hahaha this room is for me and Julia this is where we make a baby" he said while doing colloquially.

His eyebrows met "pervert!!!"

"And for our last destination" Jinro said while pounding the drum.

The door slowly opened, "our training ground" Jinro shouted as he is pointing at the place

He saw lots of people practicing. He could hear the sound of the sword everywhere.

He was amazed "wooow!! i just want to train too" he mumbled

One of the instructor approached them and pointing to Eu "ey boss who is that boy why he has a sword?"

Jinro touched his head "we found him at the shore, he wants to be an assassin, so i'll assign you to teach him tomorrow, Ganjo"

Ganjo do the demon laughed "HA. HA. HA get ready kid i will torment you tomorrow" he kept laughing like a demon.

He went on Jinro's back and he hugged him "he looks scary"

Jinro laugh "he was just joking actually he is the kindest yet the most skilled teacher among the instructors here" and Jinro pounding his head "Hoy Eu come with me i will show you your room" he added.

As they were walking a little girl suddenly ran into him, their heads collided.

He was holding his head "oooouuuuuch!!!" he raised his head to look to a person who bumped him.

The surroundings were stopped as he see a yellow eyed blonde little girl lending her hand to him

"Im sorry" the little girl said while smiling to him.

His heart were pounding "cute" he muttered to himself then he reach a girl's hand. He didn't do anything he is just holding a girls hand while staring into her eyes.

Jinro pretending to cough to make him concious "Uhm!! Uhm!!"

He stood up and his face was all red "Im sorry"

The little girl picked up the sword on the floor "woow it's long and heavy, this is your sword?" and she returned it to Eu.

He was still thrilled "Y-Yeah"

Jinro teasing him "ha.ha why is your face red? is it love at first sight Eu?" as its face got closer and closer to him.

He was totally embarrassed so he turned away "nooo!"

Jinro chuckled "Im just kidding, this is my daughter, her name is Yue, Nagase Yue her age is same as yours, and Yue this is Eu, Aozora Eu" and he make a demonic smile.

His eyes widened and he was totally in shocked "W-what?!!? why dont you look alike?"

Jinro sigh after hearing that "she got his mom's face"

He was rubbing his chin "hmmm, i see"

Jinro hold his daughter's hand "Yue, let's accompany him to his room"

Yue smiled "Aye"

He opened his room "whoa, my room is big, am i the only person in this room?" he asked

Jinro teased him "do you want Yue to sleep here with you?"

He pout "of course not, i just want to make it clear"

"Oy Eu, hide your sword in a safe place and you should get some rest, tomorrow you will start practicing okay?" Jinro said.

He smiled while slowly closing the door "uhm, thank you sir"

He had totally closed the door and he lay down on his bed. He sigh "lots of things happened, how was mom, dad and Juls doing now in heaven are they happy?" his tears slowly dripping in his face "Mom, dad, Juls i promised you that i will become the strongest assassin and i will avenge you" he whispered on himself