"…Having prejudice is one thing but hurting people because of your blind belief is another." Veronica's voice was soft but her words were sharper like a sword.

The participant's face paled. "I know I offended you. I'm sorry. Yes, I believed that women were weak. You changed my mind today. I'm sure many will change their minds after today."

He gulped as his mouth was dry and then asked, "May… may I be your friend? I'd love to have a friend with an amazing archer. My name is Lothar." He reached out his hand.

Veronica looked at his hand. 'He came clean. As long as he is sincere, there is nothing wrong with shaking hands with him,' she told herself.

She reached out and captured his hand. While shaking hands, she introduced herself, "I'm Monalisa."

Lothar scratched his cheek. "You have a nice name. But it somehow doesn't suit you. I'm not sure why. Who gave you the name? Your father?"

Veronica answered, "I gave it to myself."